React-router 4
const about = (location, cb) => { require.ensure([], require => { cb(null, require("../Component/about").default) },"about") } //配置route2.router4按需加載方式(three steps) one step:
import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; class Bundle extends React.Component { state = { // short for "module" but that"s a keyword in js, so "mod" mod: null } componentWillMount() { // 加載初始狀態(tài) this.load(this.props); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (nextProps.load !== this.props.load) { this.load(nextProps); } } load(props) { // 重置狀態(tài) this.setState({ mod: null }); // 傳入組件的組件 props.load((mod) => { this.setState({ // handle both es imports and cjs mod: mod.default ? mod.default : mod }); }); } render() { // if state mode not undefined,The container will render children return this.state.mod ? this.props.children(this.state.mod) : null; } } Bundle.propTypes = { load: PropTypes.func, children: PropTypes.func }; export default Bundle;second step:
import aContainer from "bundle-loader?lazy!./containers/A" const A = (props) => (third step://這里只是給this.props.child傳一個方法,最后在Bundle的render里面調(diào)用 {(Container) => )}
render() { return (3.router4按需加載方方式解析 (1).首先解釋一下按需加載,通俗的將就是我當(dāng)前的location在Home,那么我只應(yīng)該加載Home的東西,而不應(yīng)該去加載About等等其他的。 (2).Bundle.js這個文件的作用) }Welcome!
module.exports = function (cb) { __webpack_require__.e/* require.ensure */(2).then((function (require) { cb(__webpack_require__(305)); }).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe); };
這里是我們通過import loadDashboard from "bundle-loader?lazy!./containers/A"這種方式引入的container控件。我們使用了bundle-loader將A的源碼轉(zhuǎn)化成了上面的代碼,具體實現(xiàn)大家可以看bundle-loader源碼,代碼很少。
上面說到Bundle.js其實就使用來處理這個文件的,這個文件需要一個callback的參數(shù),在Bundle的load方法中,我們會設(shè)置這個callback,當(dāng)路由要調(diào)到A Container這里的時候,就回去加載A Container,然后調(diào)用這個callback,這個callback會調(diào)用setState方法,將我們之前傳入的load設(shè)置給mod,然后渲染出來。
{ // 匹配routers下面所有文件 // ([^/]+)/?([^/]*) 匹配xxx/xxx 或者 xxx test: /containers/([^/]+)/?([^/]*).jsx?$/, include: path.resolve(__dirname, "src/routers/"), // loader: "bundle-loader?lazy" loaders: ["bundle-loader?lazy", "babel-loader"] }5.部分源碼 1.bundle-loader的源碼
/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ var loaderUtils = require("loader-utils"); module.exports = function() {}; module.exports.pitch = function(remainingRequest) { this.cacheable && this.cacheable(); var query = loaderUtils.getOptions(this) || {}; if(query.name) { var options = { context: query.context || this.options.context, regExp: query.regExp }; var chunkName = loaderUtils.interpolateName(this, query.name, options); var chunkNameParam = ", " + JSON.stringify(chunkName); } else { var chunkNameParam = ""; } var result; if(query.lazy) { result = [ "module.exports = function(cb) { ", " require.ensure([], function(require) { ", " cb(require(", loaderUtils.stringifyRequest(this, "!!" + remainingRequest), ")); ", " }" + chunkNameParam + "); ", "}"]; } else { result = [ "var cbs = [], ", " data; ", "module.exports = function(cb) { ", " if(cbs) cbs.push(cb); ", " else cb(data); ", "} ", "require.ensure([], function(require) { ", " data = require(", loaderUtils.stringifyRequest(this, "!!" + remainingRequest), "); ", " var callbacks = cbs; ", " cbs = null; ", " for(var i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++) { ", " callbacks[i](data); ", " } ", "}" + chunkNameParam + ");"]; } return result.join(""); } /* Output format: var cbs = [], data; module.exports = function(cb) { if(cbs) cbs.push(cb); else cb(data); } require.ensure([], function(require) { data = require("xxx"); var callbacks = cbs; cbs = null; for(var i = 0, l = callbacks.length; i < l; i++) { callbacks[i](data); } }); */2.A的源碼
import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import * as reactRedux from "react-redux"; import BaseContainer from "../../../containers/ReactBaseContainer"; class A extends BaseContainer { constructor(props) { super(props); this.renderCustom = function renderCustom() { return (3.route.js的源碼Hello world In A); }; } render() { // 返回父級view return super.render(); } } A.propTypes = { dispatch: PropTypes.func, }; function mapStateToProps(state) { return { state }; } export default reactRedux.connect(mapStateToProps)(A);
import React from "react"; import { BrowserRouter, Switch, Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { Route } from "react-router"; import PostContainer from "../containers/PostsContainer"; // 設(shè)置trunk文件的名字 the basename of the resource import aContainer from "./containers/A"; import bContainer from "./containers/B"; import cContainer from "./containers/C"; import Bundle from "../utils/Bundle"; const A = () => (更新(按需加載) oneStep{Component => ) const app = () =>} {/* path = "/about" */} {/* "/about/" 可以,但"/about/1"就不可以了 exact 配置之后,需要路徑絕對匹配,多個斜杠沒有關(guān)系,這里直接在瀏覽器里面設(shè)置還有問題*/} {/* path = "/about/" */} {/* "/about/1" 可以,但"/about"就不可以了 用了strict,path要大于等于的關(guān)系,少一個斜杠都不行 */} {/* exact 和 strick 都用了就必須一模一樣,連斜杠都一樣 */} Link to about; export default function () { // 用來判斷本地瀏覽器是否支持刷新 const supportsHistory = "pushState" in window.history; return ({/* */} ); } {app()}
import React, { Component } from "react"; export default function asyncComponent(importComponent) { class AsyncComponent extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { component: null }; } async componentDidMount() { const { default: component } = await importComponent(); this.setState({ component: component }); } render() { const C = this.state.component; return C ?Second Step: null; } } return AsyncComponent; }
const Buttons = asyncComponent(() => import("./button"));babel 中需要配置一下
"presets": [ [ "es2015" ], "stage-1", // 應(yīng)用了es7的語法,所以必須有這個配置 "react" ],
摘要:之前在中文官方文檔使用的是。實現(xiàn)按需加載,升級之后,這個方法就走不通了。之后看了的官網(wǎng),按需加載只需要神器。 之前在react-router中文官方文檔使用的是require。ensure實現(xiàn)按需加載,升級之后,這個方法就走不通了。之后看了react-router的官網(wǎng),按需加載只需要神器 react-loadable 。react-loadable的好處: 基于import()的自...
showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbph8o?w=2300&h=1224); 原理:CommonJS與import() 方法一:CommonJS模塊語法 利用require.ensure,require.ensure()是webpack特有的,已經(jīng)被import()取代。 方法 require.ensure( dependencies: String...
摘要:之前分享過幾篇關(guān)于技術(shù)棧的原創(chuàng)文章解析前端架構(gòu)學(xué)習(xí)復(fù)雜場景數(shù)據(jù)設(shè)計干貨總結(jié)打造單頁應(yīng)用一個項目理解最前沿技術(shù)棧真諦一個工程實例今天進(jìn)一步剖析一個實際案例移動網(wǎng)頁版。目前面臨的問題在于提高產(chǎn)品的各方面性能體驗。 之前分享過幾篇關(guān)于React技術(shù)棧的原創(chuàng)文章: 解析Twitter前端架構(gòu) 學(xué)習(xí)復(fù)雜場景數(shù)據(jù)設(shè)計 React Conf 2017 干貨總結(jié)1: React + ES next ...
摘要:基于路由的異步組件加載本文章是一個額外的篇章,它可以在你的中,幫助加快初始的加載組件時間。但是,我們靜態(tài)地在頂部導(dǎo)入路由中的所有組件。當(dāng)然我們的程序是相當(dāng)小的,并且分離在各個部分的小組件,是不需要這樣子按需加載的。 基于 Create React App路由4.0的異步組件加載 本文章是一個額外的篇章,它可以在你的React app中,幫助加快初始的加載組件時間。當(dāng)然這個操作不是完全必...
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