Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c, and d in S such that a + b + c + d = target? Find all unique quadruplets in the array which gives the sum of target. Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate quadruplets. For example, given array S = [1, 0, -1, 0, -2, 2], and target = 0. A solution set is: [ [-1, 0, 0, 1], [-2, -1, 1, 2], [-2, 0, 0, 2] ]
public List> fourSum(int[] nums, int target) { List
> result = new ArrayList
>(); int length = nums.length; if(length<4){ return result; } Arrays.sort(nums); for(int i = 0 ; i < length-3 ; ){ int firstValue = nums[i]; //three sum for(int j = i+1 ; j < length-2 ; ){ int secondValue = nums[j]; int leftPointer = j+1; int rightPointer = length-1; while(leftPointer
=target){ while(nums[rightPointer--]==nums[rightPointer] && leftPointer 提高算法的效率 在three-sum的基礎(chǔ)上計算4sum不可避免的需要O(n3)的時間復(fù)雜度。那么就需要盡可能排除不可能的情況來提高計算效率。因為數(shù)組已經(jīng)被排序,所以可以根據(jù)數(shù)組中元素的位置判斷接下來的情況是否有可能合成目標(biāo)值。
//思路二:不斷的排除不可能的情況,以加快遍歷,核心的還是3sum public List> fourSum2(int[] nums, int target) { ArrayList
> res = new ArrayList
>(); int len = nums.length; if (nums == null || len < 4) return res; Arrays.sort(nums); int max = nums[len - 1]; // if (4 * nums[0] > target || 4 * max < target) return res; int i, z; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { z = nums[i]; if (i > 0 && z == nums[i - 1])// avoid duplicate 防止重復(fù) continue; if (z + 3 * max < target) // z is too small 當(dāng)前值即時加上最大值也不足以構(gòu)成目標(biāo)值,進入下一輪循環(huán) continue; if (4 * z > target) // z is too large 當(dāng)前值*4都大于目標(biāo)值,余下的值不可能再生成最大值 break; if (4 * z == target) { // z is the boundary if (i + 3 < len && nums[i + 3] == z) res.add(Arrays.asList(z, z, z, z)); break; } threeSumForFourSum(nums, target - z, i + 1, len - 1, res, z); } return res; } /* * Find all possible distinguished three numbers adding up to the target * in sorted array nums[] between indices low and high. If there are, * add all of them into the ArrayList fourSumList, using * fourSumList.add(Arrays.asList(z1, the three numbers)) */ public void threeSumForFourSum(int[] nums, int target, int low, int high, ArrayList
> fourSumList, int z1) { if (low + 1 >= high) return; int max = nums[high]; if (3 * nums[low] > target || 3 * max < target) return; int i, z; for (i = low; i < high - 1; i++) { z = nums[i]; if (i > low && z == nums[i - 1]) // avoid duplicate continue; if (z + 2 * max < target) // z is too small continue; if (3 * z > target) // z is too large break; if (3 * z == target) { // z is the boundary if (i + 1 < high && nums[i + 2] == z) fourSumList.add(Arrays.asList(z1, z, z, z)); break; } twoSumForFourSum(nums, target - z, i + 1, high, fourSumList, z1, z); } } /* * Find all possible distinguished two numbers adding up to the target * in sorted array nums[] between indices low and high. If there are, * add all of them into the ArrayList fourSumList, using * fourSumList.add(Arrays.asList(z1, z2, the two numbers)) */ public void twoSumForFourSum(int[] nums, int target, int low, int high, ArrayList
> fourSumList, int z1, int z2) { if (low >= high) return; if (2 * nums[low] > target || 2 * nums[high] < target) return; int i = low, j = high, sum, x; while (i < j) { sum = nums[i] + nums[j]; if (sum == target) { fourSumList.add(Arrays.asList(z1, z2, nums[i], nums[j])); x = nums[i]; while (++i < j && x == nums[i]) // avoid duplicate ; x = nums[j]; while (i < --j && x == nums[j]) // avoid duplicate ; } if (sum < target) i++; if (sum > target) j--; } return; }
摘要:和方法一樣,多一個數(shù),故多一層循環(huán)。完全一致,不再贅述, 4Sum Problem Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c, and d in S such that a + b + c + d = target? Find all unique quadruplets in the array which ...
摘要:題目詳情輸入一個長度為的整數(shù)數(shù)組和一個目標(biāo)整數(shù),我們需要找出是否存在個元素,使得的和等于。如果有,輸出這樣的非重復(fù)的元素序列。在求元素的時候可以通過左右指針減少查找時間。 題目詳情 Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c, and d in S such that a + b + c + d = target...
摘要:解題思路題目要求兩個數(shù)和等于,返回其題目說明不會有重復(fù)情況,所以我們一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)符合情況的,就可以直接結(jié)束循環(huán)并返回。特殊情況就是正好等于,那肯定是最接近的情況,直接返回即可。 Two SumGiven an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific ta...
摘要:為了避免得到重復(fù)結(jié)果,我們不僅要跳過重復(fù)元素,而且要保證找的范圍要是在我們最先選定的那個數(shù)之后的。而計算則同樣是先選一個數(shù),然后再剩下的數(shù)中計算。 2Sum 在分析多數(shù)和之前,請先看Two Sum的詳解 3Sum 請參閱:https://yanjia.me/zh/2019/01/... 雙指針法 復(fù)雜度 時間 O(N^2) 空間 O(1) 思路 3Sum其實可以轉(zhuǎn)化成一個2Sum的題,...
摘要:前言從開始寫相關(guān)的博客到現(xiàn)在也蠻多篇了。而且當(dāng)時也沒有按順序?qū)懍F(xiàn)在翻起來覺得蠻亂的??赡艽蠹铱粗卜浅2环奖?。所以在這里做個索引嘻嘻。順序整理更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新更新 前言 從開始寫leetcode相關(guān)的博客到現(xiàn)在也蠻多篇了。而且當(dāng)時也沒有按順序?qū)憽F(xiàn)在翻起來覺得蠻亂的。可能大家看著也非常不方便。所以在這里做個索引嘻嘻。 順序整理 1~50 1...
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