Java CheatSheet 基礎(chǔ) hello, world! : if-else: loops: do-while:Java 語法清單翻譯自 egek92 的 JavaCheatSheet,從屬于筆者的 Java 入門與實踐系列。時間倉促,筆者只是簡單翻譯了些標題與內(nèi)容整理,支持原作者請前往原文點贊。需要注意的是,此文在 Reddit 上也引起了廣泛的討論,此文講解的語法要點還是以 Java 7 為主,未涉及 Java 8 中內(nèi)容,略顯陳舊,讀者可以帶著批判的視角去看。
do { System.out.println("Count is: " + count); count++; } while (count < 11);switch-case: 數(shù)組: 二維數(shù)組: 對象: 類: 方法: Java IDE 比較:
yes I took this from Wikipedia
個人推薦 IntelliJ IDEA 并且對于 學生免費.
字符串操作 字符串比較:boolean result = str1.equals(str2); boolean result = str1.equalsIgnoreCase(str2);搜索與檢索:
int result = str1.indexOf(str2); int result = str1.indexOf(str2,5); String index = str1.substring(14);單字節(jié)處理:
for (int i=0;i字符串反轉(zhuǎn): public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "whatever string something"; StringBuffer str1buff = new StringBuffer(str1); String str1rev = str1buff.reverse().toString(); System.out.println(str1rev); } }按單詞的字符串反轉(zhuǎn):public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "reverse this string"; Stack大小寫轉(zhuǎn)化:String strUpper = str1.toUpperCase(); String strLower = str1.toLowerCase();首尾空格移除:String str1 = " asdfsdf "; str1.trim(); //asdfsdf空格移除:str1.replace(" ","");字符串轉(zhuǎn)化為數(shù)組:String str = "tim,kerry,timmy,camden"; String[] results = str.split(",");數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu) 重置數(shù)組大小:int[] myArray = new int[10]; int[] tmp = new int[myArray.length + 10]; System.arraycopy(myArray, 0, tmp, 0, myArray.length); myArray = tmp;集合遍歷:for (Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();it.hasNext();){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); Object key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); }創(chuàng)建映射集合:HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(key1,obj1); map.put(key2,obj2); map.put(key2,obj2);數(shù)組排序:int[] nums = {1,4,7,324,0,-4}; Arrays.sort(nums); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(nums));列表排序:List列表搜索:unsortList = new ArrayList (); unsortList.add("CCC"); unsortList.add("111"); unsortList.add("AAA"); Collections.sort(unsortList); int index = arrayList.indexOf(obj);finding an object by value in a hashmap:hashmap.containsValue(obj);finding an object by key in a hashmap:hashmap.containsKey(obj);二分搜索:int[] nums = new int[]{7,5,1,3,6,8,9,2}; Arrays.sort(nums); int index = Arrays.binarySearch(nums,6); System.out.println("6 is at index: "+ index);arrayList 轉(zhuǎn)化為 array:Object[] objects = arrayList.toArray();將 hashmap 轉(zhuǎn)化為 array:Object[] objects = hashmap.entrySet().toArray();時間與日期類型 打印時間與日期:Date todaysDate = new Date(); //todays date SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"); //date format String formattedDate = formatter.format(todaysDate); System.out.println(formattedDate);將日期轉(zhuǎn)化為日歷:Date mDate = new Date(); Calendar mCal = Calendar.getInstance(); mCal.setTime(mDate);將 calendar 轉(zhuǎn)化為 date:Calendar mCal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date mDate = mDate.getTime();字符串解析為日期格式:public void StringtoDate(String x) throws ParseException{ String date = "March 20, 1992 or 3:30:32pm"; DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); Date newDate = df.parse(date); }date arithmetic using date objects:Date date = new Date(); long time = date.getTime(); time += 5*24*60*60*1000; //may give a numeric overflow error on IntelliJ IDEA Date futureDate = new Date(time); System.out.println(futureDate);date arithmetic using calendar objects:Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); today.add(Calendar.DATE,5);difference between two dates:long diff = time1 - time2; diff = diff/(1000*60*60*24);comparing dates:boolean result = date1.equals(date2);getting details from calendar:Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH); cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);calculating the elapsed time:long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //times flies by.. long finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timeElapsed = startTime-finishTime; System.out.println(timeElapsed);正則表達式 使用 REGEX 尋找匹配字符串:String pattern = "[TJ]im"; Pattern regPat = Pattern.compile(pattern,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String text = "This is Jim and that"s Tim"; Matcher matcher = regPat.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()){ String matchedText = matcher.group(); System.out.println(matchedText); }替換匹配字符串:String pattern = "[TJ]im"; Pattern regPat = Pattern.compile(pattern,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String text = "This is jim and that"s Tim"; Matcher matcher = regPat.matcher(text); String text2 = matcher.replaceAll("Tom"); System.out.println(text2);使用 StringBuffer 替換匹配字符串:Pattern p = Pattern.compile("My"); Matcher m = p.matcher("My dad and My mom"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean found = m.find(); while(found){ m.appendReplacement(sb,"Our"); found = m.find(); } m.appendTail(sb); System.out.println(sb);打印所有匹配次數(shù):String pattern = "sa(w)*t(w)*"; //contains "at" Pattern regPat = Pattern.compile(pattern); String text = "words something at atte afdgdatdsf hey"; Matcher matcher = regPat.matcher(text); while(matcher.find()){ String matched = matcher.group(); System.out.println(matched); }打印包含固定模式的行:String pattern = "^a"; Pattern regPat = Pattern.compile(pattern); Matcher matcher = regPat.matcher(""); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt")); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine())!= null){ matcher.reset(line); if (matcher.find()){ System.out.println(line); } }匹配新行:String pattern = "d$"; //any single digit String text = "line one line two line three "; Pattern regPat = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = regPat.matcher(text); while (matcher.find()){ System.out.println(matcher.group()); }regex:beginning of a string: ^
end of a string: $
0 or 1 times: ?
0 or more times: (*) //without brackets
1 or more times: +
alternative characters: [...]
alternative patterns: |
any character: .
a digit: d
a non-digit: D
whitespace: s
non-whitespace: S
word character: w
non word character: W
數(shù)字與數(shù)學操作處理 built-in types:byte: 8bits, Byte
short: 16bits, Short
long: 64bits, Long
float: 32bits, Float
判斷字符串是否為有效數(shù)字:String str = "dsfdfsd54353%%%"; try{ int result = Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e){ System.out.println("not valid"); }比較 Double:Double a = 4.5; Double b= 4.5; boolean result = a.equals(b); if (result) System.out.println("equal");rounding:double doubleVal = 43.234234200000000234040324; float floatVal = 2.98f; long longResult = Math.round(doubleVal); int intResult = Math.round(floatVal); System.out.println(longResult + " and " + intResult); // 43 and 3格式化數(shù)字:double value = 2343.8798; NumberFormat numberFormatter; String formattedValue; numberFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); formattedValue = numberFormatter.format(value); System.out.format("%s%n",formattedValue); //2.343,88格式化貨幣:double currency = 234546457.99; NumberFormat currencyFormatter; String formattedCurrency; currencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); formattedCurrency = currencyFormatter.format(currency); System.out.format("%s%n",formattedCurrency); // $ 234.546.457,99二進制、八進制、十六進制轉(zhuǎn)換:int val = 25; String binaryStr = Integer.toBinaryString(val); String octalStr = Integer.toOctalString(val); String hexStr = Integer.toHexString(val);隨機數(shù)生成:double rn = Math.random(); int rint = (int) (Math.random()*10); // random int between 0-10 System.out.println(rn); System.out.println(rint);計算三角函數(shù):double cos = Math.cos(45); double sin = Math.sin(45); double tan = Math.tan(45);計算對數(shù)double logVal = Math.log(125.5);Math library: 輸入輸出操作: 從輸入流讀取://throw IOexception first BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String inline =""; while (!(inline.equalsIgnoreCase("quit"))){ System.out.println("prompt> "); inline=inStream.readLine(); }格式化輸出:StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(buffer, Locale.US); formatter.format("PI: "+Math.PI); System.out.println(buffer.toString());formatter format calls: 打開文件:BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(textFile.txt)); //for reading BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(textFile.txt)); //for writing讀取二進制數(shù)據(jù):InputStream is = new FileInputStream(fileName);int offset = 0; int bytesRead = is.read(bytes, ofset, bytes.length-offset);文件隨機訪問:File file = new File(something.bin); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file,"rw"); raf.seek(file.length());讀取 Jar/zip/rar 文件:ZipFile file =new ZipFile(filename); Enumeration entries = file.entries(); while(entries.hasMoreElements()){ ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement(); if (entry.isDirectory()){ //do something } else{ //do something } } file.close();文件與目錄 創(chuàng)建文件:File f = new File("textFile.txt"); boolean result = f.createNewFile();文件重命名:File f = new File("textFile.txt");File newf = new File("newTextFile.txt"); boolean result = f.renameto(newf);刪除文件:File f = new File("somefile.txt"); f.delete();改變文件屬性:File f = new File("somefile.txt"); f.setReadOnly(); // making the file read only f.setLastModified(desired time);獲取文件大小:File f = new File("somefile.txt");long length = file.length();判斷文件是否存在:File f = new File("somefile.txt"); boolean status = f.exists();移動文件:File f = new File("somefile.txt"); File dir = new File("directoryName"); boolean success = f.renameTo(new File(dir, file.getName()));獲取絕對路徑:File f = new File("somefile.txt"); File absPath = f.getAbsoluteFile();判斷是文件還是目錄:File f = new File("somefile.txt"); boolean isDirectory = f.isDirectory(); System.out.println(isDirectory); //false列舉目錄下文件:File directory = new File("users/ege"); String[] result = directory.list();創(chuàng)建目錄:boolean result = new File("users/ege").mkdir();網(wǎng)絡(luò)客戶端 服務(wù)器連接:String serverName = "www.egek.us"; Socket socket = new Socket(serverName, 80); System.out.println(socket);網(wǎng)絡(luò)異常處理:try { Socket sock = new Socket(server_name, tcp_port); System.out.println("Connected to " + server_name); sock.close( ); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.err.println(server_name + " Unknown host"); return; } catch (NoRouteToHostException e) { System.err.println(server_name + " Unreachable" ); return; } catch (ConnectException e) { System.err.println(server_name + " connect refused"); return; } catch (java.io.IOException e) { System.err.println(server_name + " " + e.getMessage( )); return; }包與文檔 創(chuàng)建包:package com.ege.example;使用 JavaDoc 注釋某個類:javadoc -d homehtml -sourcepath homesrc -subpackages java.netJar 打包:jar cf project.jar *.class運行 Jar:java -jar something.jar排序算法Bubble Sort
Linear Search
Binary Search
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Over here
摘要:使用文件與以下好處安全。包作為內(nèi)嵌在平臺內(nèi)部處理的標準,能夠在各種平臺上直接使用命令詳解創(chuàng)建文件該命令沒有顯示壓縮過程,執(zhí)行結(jié)果是將當前路徑下的路徑下的全部內(nèi)容生成一個文件。使用如下命令即可將清單文件中的對提取到文件中。 JAR,Java Archive File,Java檔案文件。JAR文件是一種壓縮文件,與ZIP壓縮文件兼容,通常稱為JAR包。JAR文件中默認包含了一個名為META...
摘要:雅虎從很早就開始招聘和培養(yǎng)研究型人才,雅虎研究院就是在這個過程中應(yīng)運而生的。今天我就來說一說雅虎研究院的歷史,以及過去十多年間取得的成就,聊一聊如何通過引進高級人才,迅速構(gòu)建起一支世界級的研發(fā)團隊。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000013995512); 作者:王下邀月熊 編輯:徐川 前端每周清單專注大前端領(lǐng)域內(nèi)容,...
摘要:是完全的面向?qū)ο笳Z言,它們通過類的形式組織函數(shù)和變量,使之不能脫離對象存在。而在基于原型的面向?qū)ο蠓绞街?,對象則是依靠構(gòu)造器利用原型構(gòu)造出來的。 JavaScript 函數(shù)式腳本語言特性以及其看似隨意的編寫風格,導致長期以來人們對這一門語言的誤解,即認為 JavaScript 不是一門面向?qū)ο蟮恼Z言,或者只是部分具備一些面向?qū)ο蟮奶卣?。本文將回歸面向?qū)ο蟊疽?,從對語言感悟的角度闡述為什...
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