PyTorch 1.0 from a nightly release. It will not work with 1.0 nor 1.0.1. Installation instructions can be found in https://pytorch.org/get-start...
torchvision from master
GCC >= 4.9
# first, make sure that your conda is setup properly with the right environment # for that, check that `which conda`, `which pip` and `which python` points to the # right path. From a clean conda env, this is what you need to do conda create --name maskrcnn_benchmark conda activate maskrcnn_benchmark # this installs the right pip and dependencies for the fresh python conda install ipython # maskrcnn_benchmark and coco api dependencies pip install ninja yacs cython matplotlib tqdm opencv-python # follow PyTorch installation in https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ # we give the instructions for CUDA 9.0 conda install -c pytorch pytorch-nightly torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 export INSTALL_DIR=$PWD # install pycocotools cd $INSTALL_DIR git clone https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git cd cocoapi/PythonAPI python setup.py build_ext install # install apex cd $INSTALL_DIR git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex.git cd apex python setup.py install --cuda_ext --cpp_ext # install PyTorch Detection cd $INSTALL_DIR git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark.git cd maskrcnn-benchmark # the following will install the lib with # symbolic links, so that you can modify # the files if you want and won"t need to # re-build it python setup.py build develop unset INSTALL_DIR # or if you are on macOS # MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9 CC=clang CXX=clang++ python setup.py build develop
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=UTF-8 """ @Description: @Author: HuangQinJian @LastEditors: HuangQinJian @Date: 2019-05-01 12:56:08 @LastEditTime: 2019-05-01 13:11:38 """ import pandas as pd import random import os import shutil if not os.path.exists("trained/"): os.mkdir("trained/") if not os.path.exists("val/"): os.mkdir("val/") val_rate = 0.15 img_path = "train/" img_list = os.listdir(img_path) train = pd.read_csv("train_label_fix.csv") # print(img_list) random.shuffle(img_list) total_num = len(img_list) val_num = int(total_num*val_rate) train_num = total_num-val_num for i in range(train_num): img_name = img_list[i] shutil.copy("train/" + img_name, "trained/" + img_name) for j in range(val_num): img_name = img_list[j+train_num] shutil.copy("train/" + img_name, "val/" + img_name)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=UTF-8 """ @Description: @Author: HuangQinJian @LastEditors: HuangQinJian @Date: 2019-04-23 11:28:23 @LastEditTime: 2019-05-01 13:15:57 """ import sys import os import json import cv2 import pandas as pd START_BOUNDING_BOX_ID = 1 PRE_DEFINE_CATEGORIES = {} def convert(csv_path, img_path, json_file): """ csv_path : csv文件的路徑 img_path : 存放圖片的文件夾 json_file : 保存生成的json文件路徑 """ json_dict = {"images": [], "type": "instances", "annotations": [], "categories": []} bnd_id = START_BOUNDING_BOX_ID categories = PRE_DEFINE_CATEGORIES csv = pd.read_csv(csv_path) img_nameList = os.listdir(img_path) img_num = len(img_nameList) print("圖片總數(shù)為{0}".format(img_num)) for i in range(img_num): # for i in range(30): image_id = i+1 img_name = img_nameList[i] if img_name == "60f3ea2534804c9b806e7d5ae1e229cf.jpg" or img_name == "6b292bacb2024d9b9f2d0620f489b1e4.jpg": continue # 可能需要根據(jù)具體格式修改的地方 lines = csv[csv.filename == img_name] img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_path, img_name)) height, width, _ = img.shape image = {"file_name": img_name, "height": height, "width": width, "id": image_id} print(image) json_dict["images"].append(image) for j in range(len(lines)): # 可能需要根據(jù)具體格式修改的地方 category = str(lines.iloc[j]["type"]) if category not in categories: new_id = len(categories) categories[category] = new_id category_id = categories[category] # 可能需要根據(jù)具體格式修改的地方 xmin = int(lines.iloc[j]["X1"]) ymin = int(lines.iloc[j]["Y1"]) xmax = int(lines.iloc[j]["X3"]) ymax = int(lines.iloc[j]["Y3"]) # print(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) assert(xmax > xmin) assert(ymax > ymin) o_width = abs(xmax - xmin) o_height = abs(ymax - ymin) ann = {"area": o_width*o_height, "iscrowd": 0, "image_id": image_id, "bbox": [xmin, ymin, o_width, o_height], "category_id": category_id, "id": bnd_id, "ignore": 0, "segmentation": []} json_dict["annotations"].append(ann) bnd_id = bnd_id + 1 for cate, cid in categories.items(): cat = {"supercategory": "none", "id": cid, "name": cate} json_dict["categories"].append(cat) json_fp = open(json_file, "w") json_str = json.dumps(json_dict, indent=4) json_fp.write(json_str) json_fp.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # csv_path = "data/train_label_fix.csv" # img_path = "data/train/" # json_file = "train.json" csv_path = "train_label_fix.csv" img_path = "trained/" json_file = "trained.json" convert(csv_path, img_path, json_file) csv_path = "train_label_fix.csv" img_path = "val/" json_file = "val.json" convert(csv_path, img_path, json_file)
(注意:在這一步中,需要先下載 cocoapi , 可能出現(xiàn)的 問題)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=UTF-8 """ @Description: @Author: HuangQinJian @LastEditors: HuangQinJian @Date: 2019-04-23 13:43:24 @LastEditTime: 2019-04-30 21:29:26 """ from pycocotools.coco import COCO import skimage.io as io import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab import cv2 import os from skimage.io import imsave import numpy as np pylab.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8.0, 10.0) img_path = "data/train/" annFile = "train.json" if not os.path.exists("anno_image_coco/"): os.makedirs("anno_image_coco/") def draw_rectangle(coordinates, image, image_name): for coordinate in coordinates: left = np.rint(coordinate[0]) right = np.rint(coordinate[1]) top = np.rint(coordinate[2]) bottom = np.rint(coordinate[3]) # 左上角坐標, 右下角坐標 cv2.rectangle(image, (int(left), int(right)), (int(top), int(bottom)), (0, 255, 0), 2) imsave("anno_image_coco/"+image_name, image) # 初始化標注數(shù)據(jù)的 COCO api coco = COCO(annFile) # display COCO categories and supercategories cats = coco.loadCats(coco.getCatIds()) nms = [cat["name"] for cat in cats] # print("COCO categories: {} ".format(" ".join(nms))) nms = set([cat["supercategory"] for cat in cats]) # print("COCO supercategories: {}".format(" ".join(nms))) img_path = "data/train/" img_list = os.listdir(img_path) # for i in range(len(img_list)): for i in range(7): imgIds = i+1 img = coco.loadImgs(imgIds)[0] image_name = img["file_name"] # print(img) # 加載并顯示圖片 # I = io.imread("%s/%s" % (img_path, img["file_name"])) # plt.axis("off") # plt.imshow(I) # plt.show() # catIds=[] 說明展示所有類別的box,也可以指定類別 annIds = coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=img["id"], catIds=[], iscrowd=None) anns = coco.loadAnns(annIds) # print(anns) coordinates = [] img_raw = cv2.imread(os.path.join(img_path, image_name)) for j in range(len(anns)): coordinate = [] coordinate.append(anns[j]["bbox"][0]) coordinate.append(anns[j]["bbox"][1]+anns[j]["bbox"][3]) coordinate.append(anns[j]["bbox"][0]+anns[j]["bbox"][2]) coordinate.append(anns[j]["bbox"][1]) # print(coordinate) coordinates.append(coordinate) # print(coordinates) draw_rectangle(coordinates, img_raw, image_name)
class DatasetCatalog(object): # 看自己的實際情況修改路徑!??! # 看自己的實際情況修改路徑!?。? # 看自己的實際情況修改路徑!?。? DATA_DIR = "" DATASETS = { "coco_2017_train": { "img_dir": "coco/train2017", "ann_file": "coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json" }, "coco_2017_val": { "img_dir": "coco/val2017", "ann_file": "coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json" }, # 改成訓練集所在路徑?。?! # 改成訓練集所在路徑!??! # 改成訓練集所在路徑?。?! "coco_2014_train": { "img_dir": "/data1/hqj/traffic-sign-identification/trained", "ann_file": "/data1/hqj/traffic-sign-identification/trained.json" }, # 改成驗證集所在路徑!?。? # 改成驗證集所在路徑?。?! # 改成驗證集所在路徑?。。? "coco_2014_val": { "img_dir": "/data1/hqj/traffic-sign-identification/val", "ann_file": "/data1/hqj/traffic-sign-identification/val.json" }, # 改成測試集所在路徑?。。? # 改成測試集所在路徑?。?! # 改成測試集所在路徑?。?! "coco_2014_test": { "img_dir": "/data1/hqj/traffic-sign-identification/test" ...
由于這個文件下的參數(shù)很多,往往需要根據(jù)自己的具體需求改,我就列出自己的配置(使用的是e2e_faster_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_1x.yaml,其中我有注釋的必須改,比如 NUM_CLASSES):
INPUT: MIN_SIZE_TRAIN: (1000,) MAX_SIZE_TRAIN: 1667 MIN_SIZE_TEST: 1000 MAX_SIZE_TEST: 1667 MODEL: META_ARCHITECTURE: "GeneralizedRCNN" WEIGHT: "catalog://ImageNetPretrained/FAIR/20171220/X-101-32x8d" BACKBONE: CONV_BODY: "R-101-FPN" RPN: USE_FPN: True BATCH_SIZE_PER_IMAGE: 128 ANCHOR_SIZES: (16, 32, 64, 128, 256) ANCHOR_STRIDE: (4, 8, 16, 32, 64) PRE_NMS_TOP_N_TRAIN: 2000 PRE_NMS_TOP_N_TEST: 1000 POST_NMS_TOP_N_TEST: 1000 FPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N_TEST: 1000 FPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N_TRAIN: 1000 ASPECT_RATIOS : (1.0,) FPN: USE_GN: True ROI_HEADS: # 是否使用FPN USE_FPN: True ROI_BOX_HEAD: USE_GN: True POOLER_RESOLUTION: 7 POOLER_SCALES: (0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03125) POOLER_SAMPLING_RATIO: 2 FEATURE_EXTRACTOR: "FPN2MLPFeatureExtractor" PREDICTOR: "FPNPredictor" # 修改成自己任務所需要檢測的類別數(shù)+1 NUM_CLASSES: 22 RESNETS: BACKBONE_OUT_CHANNELS: 256 STRIDE_IN_1X1: False NUM_GROUPS: 32 WIDTH_PER_GROUP: 8 DATASETS: # paths_catalog.py文件中的配置,數(shù)據(jù)集指定時如果僅有一個數(shù)據(jù)集不要忘了逗號(如:("coco_2014_val",)) TRAIN: ("coco_2014_train",) TEST: ("coco_2014_val",) DATALOADER: SIZE_DIVISIBILITY: 32 SOLVER: BASE_LR: 0.001 WEIGHT_DECAY: 0.0001 STEPS: (240000, 320000) MAX_ITER: 360000 # 很重要的設置,具體可以參見官網(wǎng)說明:https://github.com/facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmark/blob/master/README.md IMS_PER_BATCH: 1 # 保存模型的間隔 CHECKPOINT_PERIOD: 18000 # 輸出文件路徑 OUTPUT_DIR: "./weight/"
如果只做檢測任務的話,刪除 maskrcnn-benchmark/maskrcnn_benchmark/data/datasets/coco.py 中 82-84這三行比較保險。
maskrcnn_benchmark/engine/trainer.py 中 第 90 行可設置輸出日志的間隔(默認20,我感覺輸出太頻繁,看你自己)
python /path_to_maskrcnn_benchmark/tools/train_net.py --config-file "/path/to/config/file.yaml"
# 3是要使用GPU的ID CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python /path_to_maskrcnn_benchmark/tools/train_net.py --config-file "/path/to/config/file.yaml"
export NGPUS=8 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS /path_to_maskrcnn_benchmark/tools/train_net.py --config-file "path/to/config/file.yaml" MODEL.RPN.FPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N_TRAIN images_per_gpu x 1000
# --nproc_per_node=4 是指使用GPU的數(shù)目為4 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 /path_to_maskrcnn_benchmark/tools/train_net.py --config-file "path/to/config/file.yaml"
問題地址:Multi-GPU training error
修改 config 配置文件中 WEIGHT: "../weight/model_final.pth"(此處應為訓練完保存的權重)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5 python tools/test_net.py --config-file "/path/to/config/file.yaml" TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 8
其中TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 8也可以在config文件中直接配置:
修改 config 配置文件中 WEIGHT: "../weight/model_final.pth"(此處應為訓練完保存的權重)
修改demo/predictor.py中 CATEGORIES ,替換成自己數(shù)據(jù)的物體類別(如果想可視化結果,沒有可以不改,可以參考demo/下面的例子):
class COCODemo(object): # COCO categories for pretty print CATEGORIES = [ "__background", ... ]
新建一個文件 demo/predict.py(需要修改的地方已做注釋)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=UTF-8 """ @Description: @Author: HuangQinJian @LastEditors: HuangQinJian @Date: 2019-05-01 12:36:04 @LastEditTime: 2019-05-03 17:29:23 """ import os import matplotlib.pylab as pylab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from PIL import Image from maskrcnn_benchmark.config import cfg from predictor import COCODemo from tqdm import tqdm # this makes our figures bigger pylab.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 20, 12 # 替換成自己的配置文件 # 替換成自己的配置文件 # 替換成自己的配置文件 config_file = "../configs/e2e_faster_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml" # update the config options with the config file cfg.merge_from_file(config_file) # manual override some options cfg.merge_from_list(["MODEL.DEVICE", "cuda"]) def load(img_path): pil_image = Image.open(img_path).convert("RGB") # convert to BGR format image = np.array(pil_image)[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] return image # 根據(jù)自己的需求改 # 根據(jù)自己的需求改 # 根據(jù)自己的需求改 coco_demo = COCODemo( cfg, min_image_size=1600, confidence_threshold=0.7, ) # 測試圖片的路徑 # 測試圖片的路徑 # 測試圖片的路徑 imgs_dir = "/data1/hqj/traffic-sign-identification/test" img_names = os.listdir(imgs_dir) submit_v4 = pd.DataFrame() empty_v4 = pd.DataFrame() filenameList = [] X1List = [] X2List = [] X3List = [] X4List = [] Y1List = [] Y2List = [] Y3List = [] Y4List = [] TypeList = [] empty_img_name = [] # for img_name in img_names: for i, img_name in enumerate(tqdm(img_names)): path = os.path.join(imgs_dir, img_name) image = load(path) # compute predictions predictions = coco_demo.compute_prediction(image) try: scores = predictions.get_field("scores").numpy() bbox = predictions.bbox[np.argmax(scores)].numpy() labelList = predictions.get_field("labels").numpy() label = labelList[np.argmax(scores)] filenameList.append(img_name) X1List.append(round(bbox[0])) Y1List.append(round(bbox[1])) X2List.append(round(bbox[2])) Y2List.append(round(bbox[1])) X3List.append(round(bbox[2])) Y3List.append(round(bbox[3])) X4List.append(round(bbox[0])) Y4List.append(round(bbox[3])) TypeList.append(label) # print(filenameList, X1List, X2List, X3List, X4List, Y1List, # Y2List, Y3List, Y4List, TypeList) print(label) except: empty_img_name.append(img_name) print(empty_img_name) submit_v4["filename"] = filenameList submit_v4["X1"] = X1List submit_v4["Y1"] = Y1List submit_v4["X2"] = X2List submit_v4["Y2"] = Y2List submit_v4["X3"] = X3List submit_v4["Y3"] = Y3List submit_v4["X4"] = X4List submit_v4["Y4"] = Y4List submit_v4["type"] = TypeList empty_v4["filename"] = empty_img_name submit_v4.to_csv("submit_v4.csv", index=None) empty_v4.to_csv("empty_v4.csv", index=None)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5 python demo/predict.py
1. 若有修改maskrcnn-benchmark文件夾下的代碼,一定要重新編譯!一定要重新編譯!一定要重新編譯!
2. 更多精彩內(nèi)容,歡迎前往我的 CSDN
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摘要:受到其他同行在上討論更好經(jīng)驗的激勵,我決定買一個專用的深度學習盒子放在家里。下面是我的選擇從選擇配件到基準測試。即便是深度學習的較佳選擇,同樣也很重要。安裝大多數(shù)深度學習框架是首先基于系統(tǒng)開發(fā),然后逐漸擴展到支持其他操作系統(tǒng)。 在用了十年的 MacBook Airs 和云服務以后,我現(xiàn)在要搭建一個(筆記本)桌面了幾年時間里我都在用越來越薄的 MacBooks 來搭載一個瘦客戶端(thin c...
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