from pathlib import Path dataset = "wiki_images" datasets_root = Path("/path/to/datasets/") train_path = datasets_root / dataset / "train" test_path = datasets_root / dataset / "test" for image_path in train_path.iterdir(): with image_path.open() as f: # note, open is a method of Path object # do something with an image
p.exists() p.is_dir() p.parts() p.with_name("sibling.png") # only change the name, but keep the folder p.with_suffix(".jpg") # only change the extension, but keep the folder and the name p.chmod(mode) p.rmdir()類型提醒: Type hinting
??類型提醒在復(fù)雜的項目中可以很好的幫助我們規(guī)避一些手誤或者類型錯誤,Python2的時候是靠IDE來識別,格式IDE識別方法不一致,并且只是識別,并不具備嚴格限定。例如有下面的代碼,參數(shù)可以是numpy.array , astropy.Table and astropy.Column, bcolz, cupy, mxnet.ndarray等等。
def repeat_each_entry(data): """ Each entry in the data is doubled""" index = numpy.repeat(numpy.arange(len(data)), 2) return data[index]
repeat_each_entry(pandas.Series(data=[0, 1, 2], index=[3, 4, 5])) # returns Series with Nones inside
def repeat_each_entry(data: Union[numpy.ndarray, bcolz.carray]):
??目前,比如JetBrains家的PyCharm已經(jīng)支持Type Hint語法檢查功能,如果你使用了這個IDE,可以通過IDE功能進行實現(xiàn)。如果你像我一樣,使用了SublimeText編輯器,那么第三方工具mypy可以幫助到你。
@enforce.runtime_validation def foo(text: str) -> None: print(text) foo("Hi") # ok foo(5) # fails @enforce.runtime_validation def any2(x: List[bool]) -> bool: return any(x) any ([False, False, True, False]) # True any2([False, False, True, False]) # True any (["False"]) # True any2(["False"]) # fails any ([False, None, "", 0]) # False any2([False, None, "", 0]) # fails使用@特殊字符表示矩陣乘法
# l2-regularized linear regression: || AX - b ||^2 + alpha * ||x||^2 -> min # Python 2 X = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(A.T, A) + alpha * np.eye(A.shape[1])).dot(A.T.dot(b)) # Python 3 X = np.linalg.inv(A.T @ A + alpha * np.eye(A.shape[1])) @ (A.T @ b)
import glob # Python 2 found_images = glob.glob("/path/*.jpg") + glob.glob("/path/*/*.jpg") + glob.glob("/path/*/*/*.jpg") + glob.glob("/path/*/*/*/*.jpg") + glob.glob("/path/*/*/*/*/*.jpg") # Python 3 found_images = glob.glob("/path/**/*.jpg", recursive=True)
# Python 3 found_images = pathlib.Path("/path/").glob("**/*.jpg")Print函數(shù)
print >>sys.stderr, "critical error" # Python 2 print("critical error", file=sys.stderr) # Python 3
# Python 3 print(*array, sep=" ") print(batch, epoch, loss, accuracy, time, sep=" ")
# Python 3 _print = print # store the original print function def print(*args, **kargs): pass # do something useful, e.g. store output to some file
def replace_print():
import builtins
_print = print # saving old print function
# or use some other function here
builtins.print = lambda *args, **kwargs: _print("new printing", *args, **kwargs)
builtins.print = _print
with replace_print():
# Python 2 print("{batch:3} {epoch:3} / {total_epochs:3} accuracy: {acc_mean:0.4f}±{acc_std:0.4f} time: {avg_time:3.2f}".format( batch=batch, epoch=epoch, total_epochs=total_epochs, acc_mean=numpy.mean(accuracies), acc_std=numpy.std(accuracies), avg_time=time / len(data_batch) )) # Python 2 (too error-prone during fast modifications, please avoid): print("{:3} {:3} / {:3} accuracy: {:0.4f}±{:0.4f} time: {:3.2f}".format( batch, epoch, total_epochs, numpy.mean(accuracies), numpy.std(accuracies), time / len(data_batch) ))
120 12 / 300 accuracy: 0.8180±0.4649 time: 56.60
# Python 3.6+ print(f"{batch:3} {epoch:3} / {total_epochs:3} accuracy: {numpy.mean(accuracies):0.4f}±{numpy.std(accuracies):0.4f} time: {time / len(data_batch):3.2f}")
query = f"INSERT INTO STATION VALUES (13, "{city}", "{state}", {latitude}, {longitude})"嚴格排序
# All these comparisons are illegal in Python 3 3 < "3" 2 < None (3, 4) < (3, None) (4, 5) < [4, 5] # False in both Python 2 and Python 3 (4, 5) == [4, 5]
sorted([2, "1", 3]) # invalid for Python 3, in Python 2 returns [2, 3, "1"]NLP Unicode問題
s = "您好" print(len(s)) print(s[:2]) Output: Python 2: 6 ?? Python 3: 2 您好. x = u"со" x += "co" # ok x += "со" # fail
"a" < type < u"a" # Python 2: True "a" < u"a" # Python 2: False
from collections import Counter Counter("M?belstück") Python 2: Counter({"xc3": 2, "b": 1, "e": 1, "c": 1, "k": 1, "M": 1, "l": 1, "s": 1, "t": 1, "xb6": 1, "xbc": 1}) Python 3: Counter({"M": 1, "?": 1, "b": 1, "e": 1, "l": 1, "s": 1, "t": 1, "ü": 1, "c": 1, "k": 1})字典
import json x = {str(i):i for i in range(5)} json.loads(json.dumps(x)) # Python 2 {u"1": 1, u"0": 0, u"3": 3, u"2": 2, u"4": 4} # Python 3 {"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4}
from torch import nn # Python 2 model = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([ ("conv1", nn.Conv2d(1,20,5)), ("relu1", nn.ReLU()), ("conv2", nn.Conv2d(20,64,5)), ("relu2", nn.ReLU()) ])) # Python 3.6+, how it *can* be done, not supported right now in pytorch model = nn.Sequential( conv1=nn.Conv2d(1,20,5), relu1=nn.ReLU(), conv2=nn.Conv2d(20,64,5), relu2=nn.ReLU()) )Iterable unpacking
# handy when amount of additional stored info may vary between experiments, but the same code can be used in all cases model_paramteres, optimizer_parameters, *other_params = load(checkpoint_name) # picking two last values from a sequence *prev, next_to_last, last = values_history # This also works with any iterables, so if you have a function that yields e.g. qualities, # below is a simple way to take only last two values from a list *prev, next_to_last, last = iter_train(args)更高性能的默認pickle engine
# Python 2 import cPickle as pickle import numpy print len(pickle.dumps(numpy.random.normal(size=[1000, 1000]))) # result: 23691675 # Python 3 import pickle import numpy len(pickle.dumps(numpy.random.normal(size=[1000, 1000]))) # result: 8000162
更安全的列表推導(dǎo)labels =更簡易的super()predictions = [model.predict(data) for data, labels in dataset] # labels are overwritten in Python 2 # labels are not affected by comprehension in Python 3
# Python 2 class MySubClass(MySuperClass): def __init__(self, name, **options): super(MySubClass, self).__init__(name="subclass", **options) # Python 3 class MySubClass(MySuperClass): def __init__(self, name, **options): super().__init__(name="subclass", **options)Multiple unpacking
x = dict(a=1, b=2) y = dict(b=3, d=4) # Python 3.5+ z = {**x, **y} # z = {"a": 1, "b": 3, "d": 4}, note that value for `b` is taken from the latter dict.
[*a, *b, *c] # list, concatenating (*a, *b, *c) # tuple, concatenating {*a, *b, *c} # set, union
Python 3.5+ do_something(**{**default_settings, **custom_settings}) # Also possible, this code also checks there is no intersection between keys of dictionaries do_something(**first_args, **second_args)整數(shù)類型
isinstance(x, numbers.Integral) # Python 2, the canonical way isinstance(x, (long, int)) # Python 2 isinstance(x, int) # Python 3, easier to remember總結(jié)
摘要:年月宣布支持時間延長到年。更詳細的發(fā)布列表參閱官網(wǎng)的版本號分為三段,形如。其中表示大版本號,一般當(dāng)整體重寫,或出現(xiàn)不向后兼容的改變時,增加表示功能更新,出現(xiàn)新功能時增加表示小的改動如修復(fù)了某個,只要有修改就增加。年公司正式發(fā)布。 < 返回索引頁 Python語言簡介 Python介紹及發(fā)展 介紹 Python 官方網(wǎng)站:https://www.python.org/, 大家可以到此處下...
摘要:快速開始在安裝之前在支持異步的過程中,都經(jīng)歷了哪些比較重大的更新。踏出第一步我們將正式使用來構(gòu)建一個項目,讓我們踏出第一步,利用來編寫一個返回字符串的服務(wù)程序。本次示例的源代碼全部在上,見。 快速開始 在安裝Sanic之前,讓我們一起來看看Python在支持異步的過程中,都經(jīng)歷了哪些比較重大的更新。 首先是Python3.4版本引入了asyncio,這讓Python有了支持異步IO的標(biāo)...
摘要:截止到月號上午點,將終結(jié)于在這一段時間中,很多優(yōu)秀開源項目與庫已經(jīng)停止了對的支持。除了,還提供了一種通過進行字符串插入的靈活方法。擴展的可迭代對象解包最低版本為對于這個特性,代碼就說明了一切。從 3.0 到 3.8,Python 3 已經(jīng)更新了一波又一波,但似乎我們用起來和 2.7 沒有太大區(qū)別?以前該怎么寫 2.7 的代碼現(xiàn)在就怎么寫,只不過少數(shù)表達方式變了而已。在這篇文章中,作者介紹了 ...
摘要:截止到月號上午點,將終結(jié)于在這一段時間中,很多優(yōu)秀開源項目與庫已經(jīng)停止了對的支持。除了,還提供了一種通過進行字符串插入的靈活方法。擴展的可迭代對象解包最低版本為對于這個特性,代碼就說明了一切。從 3.0 到 3.8,Python 3 已經(jīng)更新了一波又一波,但似乎我們用起來和 2.7 沒有太大區(qū)別?以前該怎么寫 2.7 的代碼現(xiàn)在就怎么寫,只不過少數(shù)表達方式變了而已。在這篇文章中,作者介紹了 ...
摘要:添加補全源一般如果沒有安裝任何源,則自動補全只會根據(jù)當(dāng)前文件已有的名字進行猜測。我們要的效果是根據(jù)語言的特性,補全引用自帶庫第三方庫的所有類函數(shù)等。 Nvim用的是Shougo開發(fā)的NCM,但是在VIM 8+就要用同一個作者開發(fā)的Deoplete. 參考官網(wǎng):Shougo/deoplete.nvim 注意:這里只講怎么給vim8安裝。 安裝 第一步:安裝所有依賴 # 安裝VIM 8 #...
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