日歷 Document 日歷范圍選擇
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let Utils = { getElement(selector) { return document.querySelector(selector); }, getAllElement(selector) { return document.querySelectorAll(selector); }, timePad(time) { return time < 10 ? "0" + time : time; } } function daysInMonth(month, year) { return new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate(); } function _Set(data_id, data) { if (data_id != "") { if (data) { var lsobj = window.localStorage; var datajson = JSON.stringify(data); lsobj.setItem(data_id, datajson); } } } function _Get(data_id) { if (data_id != "") { var data = null; var lsdata = window.localStorage; try { var datajson = lsdata.getItem(data_id); datajson = JSON.parse(datajson); data = datajson; } catch (e) { } finally { return data; } } } let scrollAction = { x: "undefined", y: "undefined" }, scrollDirection; // 判斷頁面滾動(dòng)方向 function scrollFunc() { if (typeof scrollAction.x == "undefined") { scrollAction.x = window.pageXOffset; scrollAction.y = window.pageYOffset; } let diffX = scrollAction.x - window.pageXOffset; let diffY = scrollAction.y - window.pageYOffset; if (diffX < 0) { // Scroll right scrollDirection = "right"; } else if (diffX > 0) { // Scroll left scrollDirection = "left"; } else if (diffY < 0) { // Scroll down scrollDirection = "down"; } else if (diffY > 0) { // Scroll up scrollDirection = "up"; } else { // First scroll event } scrollAction.x = window.pageXOffset; scrollAction.y = window.pageYOffset; }; // 檢測兩個(gè)div是否重疊 function collision(target, current) { let targetX = target.offsetLeft; let targetY = target.offsetTop; let targetW = target.offsetWidth; let targetH = target.offsetHeight; let currentX = current.offsetLeft; let currentY = current.getBoundingClientRect().top; let currentW = current.offsetWidth; let currentH = current.offsetHeight; return (targetX + targetW > currentX && targetX < currentX + currentW && targetY + targetH > currentY && targetY < currentY + currentH); } // 計(jì)算當(dāng)前選擇日期往后推6個(gè)月 function calcDate(str) { str = str.replace(/-/g, "/"); let date = new Date(str); //日期轉(zhuǎn)文本方式一: let year = date.getFullYear(); //年 let month = date.getMonth() + 7; //月 +6個(gè)月 因?yàn)閖s里month從0開始,所以要加1 if (month > 12) { year++; month -= 12; } let date2 = new Date(year, month, 0); //新的年月 let day1 = date.getDate(); let day2 = date2.getDate(); if (day1 > day2) { //防止+6月后沒有31天 day1 = day2; } str = year + "-" + Utils.timePad(month) + "-" + Utils.timePad(day1); return str; } // 獲取兩個(gè)日期之間的值 Date.prototype.format = function () { let s = ""; let mouth = (this.getMonth() + 1) >= 10 ? (this.getMonth() + 1) : ("0" + (this.getMonth() + 1)); let day = this.getDate() >= 10 ? this.getDate() : ("0" + this.getDate()); s += this.getFullYear() + "-"; // 獲取年份。 s += mouth + "-"; // 獲取月份。 s += day; // 獲取日。 return (s); // 返回日期。 }; // 獲取兩個(gè)日期之間的值 function getAll(begin, end) { let arr = []; let ab = begin.split("-"); let ae = end.split("-"); let db = new Date(); db.setUTCFullYear(ab[0], ab[1] - 1, ab[2]); let de = new Date(); de.setUTCFullYear(ae[0], ae[1] - 1, ae[2]); let unixDb = db.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; let unixDe = de.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; for (let k = unixDb; k <= unixDe;) { //console.log((new Date(parseInt(k))).format()); k = k + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; arr.push((new Date(parseInt(k))).format()); } return arr; } // 比較兩個(gè)日期大小 function CompareDate(d1, d2) { return ((new Date(d1.replace(/-/g, "/"))) < (new Date(d2.replace(/-/g, "/")))); } function getPhoneType() { //正則,忽略大小寫 var pattern_phone = new RegExp("iphone", "i"); var pattern_android = new RegExp("Android", "i"); var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isAndroid = pattern_android.test(userAgent); var isIphone = pattern_phone.test(userAgent); var phoneType = "phoneType"; if (isAndroid) { var zh_cnIndex = userAgent.indexOf("-"); var spaceIndex = userAgent.indexOf("build", zh_cnIndex + 4); var fullResult = userAgent.substring(zh_cnIndex, spaceIndex); phoneType = fullResult.split(";")[1]; } else if (isIphone) { //6 w=375 6plus w=414 5s w=320 5 w=320 var wigth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; if (wigth > 400) { phoneType = "iphone6 plus"; } else if (wigth > 370) { phoneType = "iphone6"; } else if (wigth > 315) { phoneType = "iphone5s"; } else { phoneType = "iphone 4s"; } } else { phoneType = "您的設(shè)備太先進(jìn)了"; } return phoneType; } function isIphonex() { if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window) { return /iphone/gi.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && window.screen.height >= 812; } return false; }
end ···
摘要:主要是為了避免用戶修改了手機(jī)日歷之后,獲取的本地與服務(wù)器時(shí)間不統(tǒng)一可以通過獲取服務(wù)器時(shí)間進(jìn)行手動(dòng)設(shè)置。日歷控件更新之后哦調(diào)用只有在調(diào)用了的時(shí)候才會(huì)被觸發(fā)非必填。對于設(shè)備已經(jīng)通過阻止冒泡事件進(jìn)行控制不需要再做控制。 原文鏈接 使用 引入文件: ./build/css/iantooweek.css ./build/js/iantooweek.js 并在頁面上調(diào)用: iantoo.week(...
摘要:日歷可視移動(dòng)高亮范圍本篇文章在前一個(gè)初級的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行后續(xù)的體驗(yàn)優(yōu)化目標(biāo)效果鼠標(biāo)在目標(biāo)元素內(nèi)進(jìn)行移動(dòng),個(gè)塊組成的圓形高亮?xí)S之移動(dòng)實(shí)現(xiàn)效果圖原圖進(jìn)階實(shí)現(xiàn)圖技術(shù)點(diǎn)初級篇使用的漸變范圍寫法進(jìn)階篇使用的漸變范圍寫法第一種寫法是不考慮高光范圍移動(dòng) win10日歷可視移動(dòng)高亮范圍 本篇文章在前一個(gè)初級的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行后續(xù)的體驗(yàn)優(yōu)化 目標(biāo)效果 鼠標(biāo)在目標(biāo)元素內(nèi)進(jìn)行移動(dòng),9個(gè)塊組成的圓形高亮?xí)S之移動(dòng) 實(shí)...
摘要:已被移除過時(shí)的提醒時(shí)間的顏色。默認(rèn)當(dāng)日歷控件滑動(dòng)的時(shí)候是否實(shí)時(shí)更新日歷控件的位置主要是對部分低端機(jī)型做性能處理。返回當(dāng)前的時(shí)間調(diào)用該方法關(guān)閉日歷控件。年月日時(shí)分秒星期 原文鏈接 使用 引入文件: ./build/css/iantooDate.css ./build/js/iantooDate.js 并在頁面上調(diào)用: iantoo.date() 詳細(xì)使用方法見page/iantooDat...
摘要:修改記錄版本的通知欄消息功能上并未發(fā)生變化,右上角的縮減為了。增加了,允許可穿戴設(shè)備遠(yuǎn)程控制通知欄消息。鎖屏狀態(tài)下,可以控制通知欄消息的隱私程度。但是谷歌規(guī)定,自定義布局展示的通知欄消息最大高度是。具體適配不正常的機(jī)型有。 此文已由作者黎星授權(quán)網(wǎng)易云社區(qū)發(fā)布。 歡迎訪問網(wǎng)易云社區(qū),了解更多網(wǎng)易技術(shù)產(chǎn)品運(yùn)營經(jīng)驗(yàn)。 由于歷史原因,Android在發(fā)布之初對通知欄Notification的設(shè)...
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