裝飾模式 描述
具體構(gòu)件(Concrete Component)角色:定義一個將要接收附加責任的類。
具體裝飾(Concrete Decorator)角色:負責給構(gòu)件對象添加上附加的責任。
// Component類 定義一個對象接口,可以給這些對象動態(tài)的添加職責 abstract class Component { abstract Operation (): void } // ConcreteComponent 類定義一個具體的對象,也可以給這個對象添加職責 class ConcreteComponent extends Component { Operation () { console.log("具體的對象操作"); } } // Decorator 裝飾抽象類,繼承了Component 從外類來拓展Component的功能,但是對于Component來說,無需知道Decorator的存在 abstract class Decorator extends Component{ protected component: Component | null = null // 裝載Component SetComponent (component: Component) { this.component = component } // 重寫Operation,實際執(zhí)行的是component的Operation Operation () { if (this.component !== null) { this.component.Operation() } } } // ConcreteDecorator 具體的裝飾對象 起到給Component類添加職責 class ConcreteDecoratorA extends Decorator { private addState: string = "" Operation () { // 先運行裝飾對象的Operation,如果有的話 super.Operation() this.addState = "new stateA" console.log("具體裝飾對象A的操作"); } } class ConcreteDecoratorB extends Decorator { Operation () { super.Operation() this.AddedBehavior() console.log("具體裝飾對象b的操作"); } AddedBehavior () { console.log("new state B"); } } // 調(diào)用 const c = new ConcreteComponent() const d1 = new ConcreteDecoratorA() const d2 = new ConcreteDecoratorB() d1.SetComponent(c) // d1裝飾的是c d2.SetComponent(d1) // d2裝飾的是d1 d2.Operation() // d2.Operation中先會調(diào)用d1的Operation,d1.Operation中先會調(diào)用c的Operationjs的裝飾器
js有自帶的裝飾器,可以用來修飾類和方法例子 - 換衣服系統(tǒng)
class Person0 { private name: string; constructor (name: string) { this.name = name } wearTShirts () { console.log(" T-shirts") } wearBigTrouser () { console.log(" big trouser") } wearSneakers () { console.log("sneakers ") } wearSuit () { console.log("suit") } wearLeatherShoes () { console.log("LeatherShoes") } show () { console.log(this.name) } } const person0 = new Person0("lujs") person0.wearBigTrouser() person0.wearTShirts() person0.wearSneakers() person0.wearSuit() person0.show()版本1
class Person1 { private name: string; constructor (name: string) { this.name = name } show () { console.log(this.name) } } abstract class Finery { abstract show (): void } class Tshirts extends Finery { show () { console.log(" T-shirts") } } class BigTrouser extends Finery { show () { console.log(" BigTrouser") } } class Sneakers extends Finery { show () { console.log(" Sneakers") } } // 調(diào)用 const person1 = new Person1("lujs") const ts = new Tshirts() const bt = new BigTrouser() const sneakers = new Sneakers() person1.show() ts.show() bt.show() sneakers.show()版本2
class Person2 { private name: string = "" setName (name: string) { this.name = name } show () { console.log("裝扮", this.name); } } class Finery2 extends Person2 { private component: Person2 | null = null Decorator (component: Person2) { this.component = component } show () { if (this.component !== null) { this.component.show() } } } class Tshirts2 extends Finery2 { show () { super.show() console.log("穿tshirt"); } } class BigTrouser2 extends Finery2 { show () { super.show() console.log("穿BigTrouser"); } } const p2 = new Person2() const t1 = new Tshirts2() const b1 = new BigTrouser2() p2.setName("p2") t1.Decorator(p2) b1.Decorator(t1) b1.show()
class Person4 { private name: string = "" SetName (name: string) { this.name = name } show () { console.log("裝備開始", this.name) } } // 裝飾函數(shù) type fn = () => void function beforeShow(fns: fn[]) { return (target:any, name:any, descriptor:any) => { const oldValue = descriptor.value descriptor.value = function () { const value = oldValue.apply(this, arguments); fns.forEach(f:fn => { f() }) return value } } } // 使用函數(shù)來代替服飾子類 const wearTShirts = () => { console.log("wear Tshirts"); } const wearBigTrouser = () => { console.log("wear BigTrouser"); } class Finery4 extends Person4 { private person: Person4 | null = null addPerson (person: Person4) { this.person = person } @beforeShow([wearBigTrouser, wearTShirts]) show () { if (this.person !== null) { this.person.show() } } } // 需要修改服飾順序的時候,可以直接修改服飾類的裝飾函數(shù)順序,或者生成另一個類 class Finery5 extends Person4 { private person: Person4 | null = null addPerson (person: Person4) { this.person = person } @beforeShow([wearTShirts, wearBigTrouser]) show () { if (this.person !== null) { this.person.show() } } } const p6 = new Person4() const f6 = new Finery4() p6.SetName("lll") f6.addPerson(p6) f6.show() console.log("換一種服飾"); const p7 = new Person4() const f7 = new Finery4() p7.SetName("lll") f7.addPerson(p7) f7.show()表單例子 版本0
const ajax = (url:string, data: any) => {console.log("ajax", url, data)} class Form { state = { username: "lujs", password: "lujs" } validata = ():boolean => { if (this.state.username === "") { return false } if (this.state.password === "") { return false } return true } submit = () => { if (!this.validata()) { return } ajax("url", this.state) } }版本1
interface RequestData { username: string password: string } type Vality = (data: RequestData) => boolean type ValityFail = (data: RequestData) => void const validata = (data: RequestData):boolean => { if (data.username === "") { return false } if (data.password === "") { return false } console.log("驗證通過") return true } function verify(vality:Vality, valityFail: ValityFail) { return (target:any, name:string, descriptor:any) => { const oldValue = descriptor.value descriptor.value = function (requestData: RequestData) { // 驗證處理 if (!vality(requestData)) { // 驗證失敗處理 valityFail(requestData) return } // console.log(this, " == this") return oldValue.apply(this, arguments) } return descriptor } } class Form1 { state = { username: "", password: "password" } @verify(validata, () => console.log("驗證失敗")) submit(requestData: RequestData) { ajax("url", requestData) } } console.log("表單驗證例子1開始---") const f1 = new Form1 f1.submit(f1.state) f1.state.username = "lujs" f1.submit(f1.state) console.log("表單驗證例子1結(jié)束---")
#### 版本2
/** * 一個使用裝飾功能的表單驗證插件 */ // 先定義一下希望插件的調(diào)用方式, 輸入一個數(shù)組,內(nèi)容可以是字符串或者對象 state = { username: "lujs", myEmail: "[email protected]", custom: "custom" } @validate([ "username", // fail: () =>console.log("username wrong") { key: "myEmail", method: "email" }, { key: "myEmail", method: (val) => val === "custom", fail: () => alert("fail") } ]) submit(requestData: RequestData) { ajax("url", requestData) }
export interface Validator { notEmpty (val: string):boolean notEmail (val: string):boolean } export const validator: Validator = { notEmpty: (val: string) => val !== "", notEmail: (val: string) => !/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-])+/.test(val) } export interface V { key: string method: keyof Validator | ((val: any) => boolean) fail?: (val: any) => void } export function verify( vality: Array, ) { return (target:any, propertyKey:string, descriptor:PropertyDescriptor) => { const oldValue = descriptor.value descriptor.value = function (requestData: {[p: string]: any}) { // 驗證處理 const flag = vality.every((v) => { console.log(typeof v, v, " == this") if (typeof v === "string") { const val = requestData[v] // 默認進行empty判斷 if (!validator.notEmpty(val)) { return false } } else { // 對象的情況 const val = requestData[v.key] console.log(val, " => val") console.log(v, " => v") if (typeof v.method === "string") { if (!validator[v.method](val)) { if (v.fail) { v.fail.apply(this, requestData) } return false } } else { console.log(v.method(val), val) if (!v.method(val)) { if (v.fail) { v.fail.apply(this, requestData) } return false } } } return true }) if (!flag) { return } return oldValue.apply(this, arguments) } return descriptor } }
import {verify} from "./validator" const ajax = (url:string, data: any) => {console.log("ajax", url, data)} class Form2 { state = { username: "lujs", myEmail: "[email protected]", custom: "custom" } @verify([ "username", // fail: () =>console.log("username wrong") { key: "myEmail", method: "notEmail" }, { key: "myEmail", method: (val) => val !== "custom", fail: (val) => console.log(val) } ]) submit(requestData: {[p: string]: any}) { ajax("url", requestData) } } const f2 = new Form2 f2.submit(f2.state)
摘要:裝飾器我們?yōu)樯兑懻撛刈⑷肫鞫皇茄b飾器這是因為會把元素注入器依賴解析過程限制在當前組件視圖內(nèi)。但是一旦使用了裝飾器,整個依賴解析過程就會在第一階段完成后停止解析,也就是說,元素注入器只在組件視圖內(nèi)解析依賴,然后就停止解析工作。 原文鏈接:A curious case of the @Host decorator and Element Injectors in Angular 我...
摘要:什么是裝飾器模式向一個現(xiàn)有的對象添加新的功能,同時又不改變其結(jié)構(gòu)的設計模式被稱為裝飾器模式,它是作為現(xiàn)有的類的一個包裝。中的裝飾器模式中有一個的提案,使用一個以開頭的函數(shù)對中的及其屬性方法進行修飾。 1 什么是裝飾器模式 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000015970102?w=1127&h=563); 向一個現(xiàn)有的對...
摘要:但是,這樣做的后果就是,我們會不斷的改變本體,就像把鳳姐送去做整形手術一樣。在中,我們叫做引用裝飾。所以,這里引入的裝飾模式裝飾親切,熟悉,完美。實例講解裝飾上面那個例子,只能算是裝飾模式的一個不起眼的角落。 裝飾者,英文名叫decorator. 所謂的裝飾,從字面可以很容易的理解出,就是給 土肥圓,化個妝,華麗的轉(zhuǎn)身為白富美,但本體還是土肥圓。 說人話.咳咳~ 在js里面一切都是對...
摘要:用戶名不能為空密碼不能為空校驗未通過使用優(yōu)化代碼返回的情況直接,不再執(zhí)行后面的原函數(shù)用戶名不能為空密碼不能為空 本文是《JavaScript設計模式與開發(fā)實踐》的學習筆記,例子來源于書中,對于設計模式的看法,推薦看看本書作者的建議。 什么是裝飾者模式? 給對象動態(tài)增加職責的方式成為裝飾者模式。 裝飾者模式能夠在不改變對象自身的基礎上,在運行程序期間給對象動態(tài)地添加職責。這是一種輕便靈活...
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