


caikeal / 1554人閱讀


hey 老伙計 今天我們來講一下koa的context.js還有一些tj自己寫的庫吧。 context.js
"use strict";
const createError = require("http-errors");
const httpAssert = require("http-assert");
const delegate = require("delegates");
const statuses = require("statuses");

const proto = module.exports = {

  inspect() {
    if (this === proto) return this;
    return this.toJSON();

  toJSON() {
    return {
      request: this.request.toJSON(),//實際上調(diào)用request.js的toJSON(下同)
      response: this.response.toJSON(),
      app: this.app.toJSON(),
      originalUrl: this.originalUrl,
      req: "",
      res: "",
      socket: ""

   * Similar to .throw(), adds assertion.
   *    this.assert(this.user, 401, "Please login!");
   * See: https://github.com/jshttp/http-assert
   * @param {Mixed} test
   * @param {Number} status
   * @param {String} message
   * @api public

  assert: httpAssert,

   * Throw an error with `msg` and optional `status`
   * defaulting to 500. Note that these are user-level
   * errors, and the message may be exposed to the client.
   *    this.throw(403)
   *    this.throw("name required", 400)
   *    this.throw(400, "name required")
   *    this.throw("something exploded")
   *    this.throw(new Error("invalid"), 400);
   *    this.throw(400, new Error("invalid"));
   * See: https://github.com/jshttp/http-errors
   * @param {String|Number|Error} err, msg or status
   * @param {String|Number|Error} [err, msg or status]
   * @param {Object} [props]
   * @api public
    //throw方法。上面是使用的方法。我們 常用來在中間件throw發(fā)出一些錯誤狀態(tài)碼。
    //從而使得上級中間件可以try catch這個錯誤從而響應(yīng)
    //createError([status], [message], [properties])
    //properties - custom properties to attach to the object
  throw(...args) {
    throw createError(...args);
  onerror(err) {
    // don"t do anything if there is no error.
    // this allows you to pass `this.onerror`
    // to node-style callbacks.
    if (null == err) return;
    // 如果error不是Error實例。此時生成一個錯誤實例給下文處理
    if (!(err instanceof Error)) err = new Error(`non-error thrown: ${err}`);

    let headerSent = false;
    if (this.headerSent || !this.writable) {
      headerSent = err.headerSent = true;

    this.app.emit("error", err, this);

    if (headerSent) {

    const { res } = this;
    if (typeof res.getHeaderNames === "function") {
      res.getHeaderNames().forEach(name => res.removeHeader(name));
    } else {
      res._headers = {}; // Node < 7.7

    // 然后設(shè)置為錯誤的headers標識

    this.type = "text";

    // 支持ENOENT 
    if ("ENOENT" == err.code) err.status = 404;

    // 默認轉(zhuǎn)換成500狀態(tài)碼
    if ("number" != typeof err.status || !statuses[err.status]) err.status = 500;

    const code = statuses[err.status];
    const msg = err.expose ? err.message : code;
    this.status = err.status;
    this.length = Buffer.byteLength(msg);

 * Response delegation.
//委托方法 與屬性的getter或者setter
delegate(proto, "response")

 * Request delegation.

delegate(proto, "request")


koa convert 用于什么?用于將koa1的中間件轉(zhuǎn)化為promise 看到co就應(yīng)該有這么個想法了= =
"use strict"

const co = require("co")
const compose = require("koa-compose")

module.exports = convert

function convert (mw) {
  if (typeof mw !== "function") {
    throw new TypeError("middleware must be a function")
  if (mw.constructor.name !== "GeneratorFunction") {
    // assume it"s Promise-based middleware
    return mw
  const converted = function (ctx, next) {
    return co.call(ctx, mw.call(ctx, createGenerator(next)))
  converted._name = mw._name || mw.name
  return converted

function * createGenerator (next) {
  return yield next()

// convert.compose(mw, mw, mw)
// convert.compose([mw, mw, mw])
// koa-compose 日后再說嘻嘻^v^
convert.compose = function (arr) {
  if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
    arr = Array.from(arguments)
  return compose(arr.map(convert))
convert.back = function (mw) {
  if (typeof mw !== "function") {
    throw new TypeError("middleware must be a function")
  if (mw.constructor.name === "GeneratorFunction") {
    // assume it"s generator middleware
    return mw
  const converted = function * (next) {
    let ctx = this
    let called = false
    // no need try...catch here, it"s ok even `mw()` throw exception
    yield Promise.resolve(mw(ctx, function () {
      if (called) {
        // guard against multiple next() calls
        // https://github.com/koajs/compose/blob/4e3e96baf58b817d71bd44a8c0d78bb42623aa95/index.js#L36
        return Promise.reject(new Error("next() called multiple times"))
      called = true
      return co.call(ctx, next)
  converted._name = mw._name || mw.name
  return converted
"use strict";
var toStr = Object.prototype.toString;
var fnToStr = Function.prototype.toString;
//這個正則匹配function *但是好像有點bug
//* function(){}也會受到判定true
var isFnRegex = /^s*(?:function)?*/;

var hasToStringTag = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.toStringTag === "symbol";
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var getGeneratorFunc = function () { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return
    if (!hasToStringTag) {
        return false;
    try {
        return Function("return function*() {}")();
    } catch (e) {
var generatorFunc = getGeneratorFunc();
var GeneratorFunction = generatorFunc ? getProto(generatorFunc) : {};

//一點是function toString
//一點是[object GeneratorFunction] Object toString
module.exports = function isGeneratorFunction(fn) {
    if (typeof fn !== "function") {
        return false;
    if (isFnRegex.test(fnToStr.call(fn))) {
        return true;
    if (!hasToStringTag) {
        var str = toStr.call(fn);
        return str === "[object GeneratorFunction]";
    return getProto(fn) === GeneratorFunction;

這次寫的好粗糙啊= =
sry sry sry







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