javax.crypto.Cipher 源碼學習筆記
setModePadding(CipherSpi spi)中通過spi.engineSetMode(mode|pad)設置,反饋模式和補丁方案。
“algorithm/mode/padding” or(標準名稱)
public static final Cipher getInstance(String transformation) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException { //獲取Transform列表,帶alg List transforms = getTransforms(transformation); List cipherServices = new ArrayList(transforms.size()); for (Iterator t = transforms.iterator(); t.hasNext(); ) { Transform transform = (Transform)t.next(); //transform = alg + sufix(/[mode] + /[padding]) //有四種形式:mode和padding是可選的 cipherServices.add(new ServiceId("Cipher", transform.transform)); } //獲取支持Transform(alg+suffix)的List//所有的Provider全部遍歷一遍 List services = GetInstance.getServices(cipherServices); // make sure there is at least one service from a signed provider // and that it can use the specified mode and padding Iterator t = services.iterator(); Exception failure = null; while (t.hasNext()) { Service s = (Service)t.next(); if (JceSecurity.canUseProvider(s.getProvider()) == false) { continue; } //返回 transforms.suffix和算法的后綴一樣的第一個Transform Transform tr = getTransform(s, transforms); if (tr == null) { // should never happen continue; } //是否支持 int canuse = tr.supportsModePadding(s); if (canuse == S_NO) { // does not support mode or padding we need, ignore continue; } //找到第一個結束 if (canuse == S_YES) { return new Cipher(null, s, t, transformation, transforms); } else { // S_MAYBE, try out if it works try { CipherSpi spi = (CipherSpi)s.newInstance(null); tr.setModePadding(spi); return new Cipher(spi, s, t, transformation, transforms); } catch (Exception e) { failure = e; } } } throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ("Cannot find any provider supporting " + transformation, failure); }
public static final Cipher getInstance(String transformation,Provider provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException { if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing provider"); } Exception failure = null; List transforms = getTransforms(transformation); boolean providerChecked = false; String paddingError = null; for (Iterator t = transforms.iterator(); t.hasNext();) { Transform tr = (Transform)t.next(); //直接搜該provider是否支持 Service s = provider.getService("Cipher", tr.transform); if (s == null) { continue; } if (providerChecked == false) { // for compatibility, first do the lookup and then verify // the provider. this makes the difference between a NSAE // and a SecurityException if the // provider does not support the algorithm. Exception ve = JceSecurity.getVerificationResult(provider); if (ve != null) { String msg = "JCE cannot authenticate the provider " + provider.getName(); throw new SecurityException(msg, ve); } providerChecked = true; } if (tr.supportsMode(s) == S_NO) { continue; } if (tr.supportsPadding(s) == S_NO) { paddingError = tr.pad; continue; } try { CipherSpi spi = (CipherSpi)s.newInstance(null); tr.setModePadding(spi); Cipher cipher = new Cipher(spi, transformation); cipher.provider = s.getProvider(); cipher.initCryptoPermission(); return cipher; } catch (Exception e) { failure = e; } } // throw NoSuchPaddingException if the problem is with padding if (failure instanceof NoSuchPaddingException) { throw (NoSuchPaddingException)failure; } if (paddingError != null) { throw new NoSuchPaddingException ("Padding not supported: " + paddingError); } throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException ("No such algorithm: " + transformation, failure); }
第一個getInstance(),將transform轉換成內部Transform,遍歷所有的Provider,查詢到第一個支持transform的Service,然后new Cipher().
第二種getInstance(),將transform轉換成內部Transform,直接通過provider.getService("Cipher", tr.transform)查詢是否支持transform,然后new Cipher().
4.List getTransforms(String transformation)/** * 獲取Transform的List列表 */ private static List getTransforms(String transformation) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { String[] parts = tokenizeTransformation(transformation); String alg = parts[0]; String mode = parts[1]; String pad = parts[2]; if ((mode != null) && (mode.length() == 0)) { mode = null; } if ((pad != null) && (pad.length() == 0)) { pad = null; } //Transform 僅有alg if ((mode == null) && (pad == null)) { // DES Transform tr = new Transform(alg, "", null, null); return Collections.singletonList(tr); } else { // Transform = alg/mode/padding 的格式 // if ((mode != null) && (pad != null)) { // DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding List list = new ArrayList(4); list.add(new Transform(alg, "/" + mode + "/" + pad, null, null)); list.add(new Transform(alg, "/" + mode, null, pad)); list.add(new Transform(alg, "http://" + pad, mode, null)); list.add(new Transform(alg, "", mode, pad)); return list; } }
public final void init(int opmode, Key key, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidKeyException { initialized = false; checkOpmode(opmode); if (spi != null) { checkCryptoPerm(spi, key); spi.engineInit(opmode, key, random); } else { try { chooseProvider(I_KEY, opmode, key, null, null, random); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { // should never occur throw new InvalidKeyException(e); } } initialized = true; this.opmode = opmode; }
可以參考Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for JDK 8
總結看Cipher源碼的原因是因為,在看BC的時候看到支持的transform列表中支持的是RSA/OAEP的加密模式,但是JCE中要求的傳日格式是“algorithm/mode/padding” or(標準名稱)“algorithm”,因此就產生了以問。
BC: Cipher.RSA -> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.rsa.CipherSpi$NoPadding aliases: [RSA//RAW, RSA//NOPADDING] attributes: {SupportedKeyFormats=PKCS#8|X.509, SupportedKeyClasses=javax.crypto.interfaces.RSAPublicKey|javax.crypto.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey} BC: Cipher.RSA/RAW -> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.rsa.CipherSpi$NoPadding BC: Cipher.RSA/PKCS1 -> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.rsa.CipherSpi$PKCS1v1_5Padding aliases: [RSA//PKCS1PADDING] BC: Cipher.RSA/1 -> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.rsa.CipherSpi$PKCS1v1_5Padding_PrivateOnly BC: Cipher.RSA/2 -> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.rsa.CipherSpi$PKCS1v1_5Padding_PublicOnly BC: Cipher.RSA/OAEP -> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.rsa.CipherSpi$OAEPPadding aliases: [RSA//OAEPPADDING] BC: Cipher.RSA/ISO9796-1 -> org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.rsa.CipherSpi$ISO9796d1Padding aliases: [RSA//ISO9796-1PADDING]
時間:2017年4月11日星期二說明:本文部分內容均來自慕課網。@慕課網:http://www.imooc.com教學示例源碼:https://github.com/zccodere/s...個人學習源碼:https://github.com/zccodere/s... 第一章:對稱加密算法DES 1-1 JAVA對稱加密算法DES 加密密鑰=解密密鑰 對稱加密算法 初等 DES --3D...
摘要:時間年月日星期三說明本文部分內容均來自慕課網。秘密密鑰,生成一個分組的秘密密鑰。 時間:2017年4月12日星期三說明:本文部分內容均來自慕課網。@慕課網:http://www.imooc.com教學示例源碼:https://github.com/zccodere/s...個人學習源碼:https://github.com/zccodere/s... 第一章:概述 1-1 概述 非對稱...
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