Given N axis-aligned rectangles where N > 0, determine if they all together form an exact cover of a rectangular region. Each rectangle is represented as a bottom-left point and a top-right point. For example, a unit square is represented as [1,1,2,2]. (coordinate of bottom-left point is (1, 1) and top-right point is (2, 2)). Example 1: rectangles = [ [1,1,3,3], [3,1,4,2], [3,2,4,4], [1,3,2,4], [2,3,3,4] ] Return true. All 5 rectangles together form an exact cover of a rectangular region.
Example 2: rectangles = [ [1,1,2,3], [1,3,2,4], [3,1,4,2], [3,2,4,4] ] Return false. Because there is a gap between the two rectangular regions.
Example 3: rectangles = [ [1,1,3,3], [3,1,4,2], [1,3,2,4], [3,2,4,4] ] Return false. Because there is a gap in the top center.
Example 4: rectangles = [ [1,1,3,3], [3,1,4,2], [1,3,2,4], [2,2,4,4] ] Return false. Because two of the rectangles overlap with each other.
public boolean isRectangleCover(int[][] rectangles) { if(rectangles==null || rectangles.length == 0 || rectangles[0].length == 0) return false; int areaSum = 0; int x1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x2 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int y1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int y2 = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Setpoints = new HashSet<>(rectangles.length * 4); for(int[] rectangle : rectangles) { x1 = Math.min(rectangle[0], x1); x2 = Math.max(rectangle[2], x2); y1 = Math.min(rectangle[1], y1); y2 = Math.max(rectangle[3], y2); areaSum += (rectangle[0] - rectangle[2]) * (rectangle[1] - rectangle[3]); String s1 = rectangle[0] + " " + rectangle[1]; String s2 = rectangle[0] + " " + rectangle[3]; String s3 = rectangle[2] + " " + rectangle[1]; String s4 = rectangle[2] + " " + rectangle[3]; if (!points.add(s1)) { points.remove(s1); } if (!points.add(s2)) { points.remove(s2); } if (!points.add(s3)) { points.remove(s3); } if (!points.add(s4)) { points.remove(s4); } } if(!points.contains(x1 + " " + y1) || !points.contains(x1 + " " + y2) || !points.contains(x2 + " " + y1) || !points.contains(x2 + " " + y2) || points.size() != 4) return false; return areaSum == (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1); }
摘要:首先確定上下的邊界,左右線段按照橫坐標(biāo)排序。檢查填充滿上圖的情況就組成不了一個長方形。找重合和有空隙只需要把所有橫坐標(biāo)在的線段排序之后檢查首位相連,且起點,終點。且最后成的面積等于小矩形的面積和。 Perfect Rectangle 題目鏈接:https://leetcode.com/problems... 掃描線,哪個方向都行。我是從左往右掃,矩陣按照左右的邊來存。showImg(h...
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