Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST.
/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ public class Solution { public TreeNode BST(ListNode head, ListNode tail) { ListNode slow = head, fast = head; if (head == tail) return null; //這里是fast不能等于tail,也省去了把listnode從中間分隔時,需要添加null的麻煩! while (fast != tail && fast.next != tail) { slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; } TreeNode root = new TreeNode(slow.val); root.left = BST(head, slow); root.right = BST(slow.next, tail); return root; } public TreeNode sortedListToBST(ListNode head) { if (head == null) return null; return BST(head, null); } }
摘要:題目要求給一個按照遞增順序排列的鏈表。將該鏈表轉(zhuǎn)化為平衡二叉樹。思路和代碼在這里需要注意的是,因為提供的數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)為鏈表,所以我們必須順序遍歷才能知道該鏈表的長度以及該鏈表的中間位置。并依次遞歸左子節(jié)點和右子節(jié)點。 題目要求 Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert i...
Problem Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST. For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binary tree in whi...
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摘要:我們可以用和兩個值來限定子樹在鏈表中的位置,通過遞歸的方式,深入找到最左邊,然后開始順序遍歷鏈表鏈表當(dāng)前節(jié)點作為全局變量,這樣無論遞歸在哪我們都能拿到,同時建樹。代碼先遞歸的計算左子樹創(chuàng)造根節(jié)點最后遞歸的計算右子樹 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Given a singly linked list where elements ar...
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