react ts3 項目
下面是readme: word-to-htmlA tiny tool to convert Microsoft Word document to HTML in Nodejs and in chrome,
you can use the tool convert tables with merged cells and nested tables to html file in Nodejs or chrome, the online tool wordhtml can not do this.
Beyond that, you can convert words with different font-family or font-size in a line to html string in chrome.
attentionIf a line of words have different font-family or font-size in your .docx, it can not convert
your .docx to html expectly in nodejs, but this can fix in the browsers such as chrome. because
the npm package jsdom can not realize the DOMParser"s function perfectly.
So if you want to convert the font-family and font-size exactly, you can see how to use word2html.js in browsers!
npm i word-to-html --save-dev
yarn add word-to-htmlapi in nodejs: word2html(absPath [,options])
absPath: string | Array
absPath is your file"s absolute path
options: {tdTextAlign:string,tdVerticalAlign:string}
tdTextAlign controls the
tdVerticalAlign controls the
var path = require("path"); var word2html = require("word-to-html"); //Word document"s absolute path var absPath = path.join(__dirname,"test.docx"); word2html(absPath,{tdVerticalAlign:"top"})
the html generated in your WorkSpace.
Usage in browsersdetails in my github
step 1: Take the code in your html or your console panel as the global functions step 2: Use the code to convert your .docx to xml sting in your .xml filevar admZip = require("adm-zip"); var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var resultList = []; const tableName = [ "test.docx" // replace your docx name here ]; tableName.forEach((item, index)=>{ var absPath = path.join(__dirname,item); fs.exists(absPath, function(exists){ if(exists){ const zip = new admZip(absPath); var contentXml = zip.readAsText("word/document.xml"); var len = item.length-1; var name = item.slice(0,len-4) + ".xml" fs.writeFileSync(name,contentXml) }else{ callback(resultList) } }) });step 3: Take your .xml file"s string in variables str, and excute the code in your browser. the res is your html string, you can put it to the template html.
var str =`${your xml sting}` var res = convert(loadXML(str));step4:template example
摘要:最近遇到一個需求,需要將非常多內容的文字表格文檔展示出來,這個需求出現(xiàn)在端就用插件好了或者直接下載文件如果需求是在移動端呢怎么辦轉成吧。。。下面是判斷是否是非瀏覽器方法載入字符串對象解析文本并返回一個對象。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000019821354?w=5000&h=2952); 最近遇到一個需求,需要將非...
摘要:模式用開發(fā)時記錄圖片的加載信息很熟悉吧下面的不知道的趕緊度娘一下吧預告下篇文章就寫這個插件我已經(jīng)寫了差不多了是個懶加載插件具體細節(jié)先去看一吧倉庫重要的事情說三遍你的支持就是動力 沒事擼個插件玩--預加載插件(f-preload) 原生無依賴,預加載插件 插件名:f-preload 實現(xiàn)的主要功能: 1、批量預加載多個圖片 2、支持debug打印加載信息 3、支持加載完執(zhí)行自定義回調函數(shù)...
摘要:組件結構同組件結構通過方法獲取元素的大小及其相對于視口的位置,之后對提示信息進行定位??梢杂脕磉M行一些復雜帶校驗的彈窗信息展示,也可以只用于簡單信息的展示。可以通過屬性來顯示任意標題,通過屬性來修改顯示區(qū)域的寬度。 手把手教你擼個vue2.0彈窗組件 在開始之前需要了解一下開發(fā)vue插件的前置知識,推薦先看一下vue官網(wǎng)的插件介紹 預覽地址 http://haogewudi.me/k...
摘要:組件結構同組件結構通過方法獲取元素的大小及其相對于視口的位置,之后對提示信息進行定位??梢杂脕磉M行一些復雜帶校驗的彈窗信息展示,也可以只用于簡單信息的展示。可以通過屬性來顯示任意標題,通過屬性來修改顯示區(qū)域的寬度。 手把手教你擼個vue2.0彈窗組件 在開始之前需要了解一下開發(fā)vue插件的前置知識,推薦先看一下vue官網(wǎng)的插件介紹 預覽地址 http://haogewudi.me/k...
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