Python代碼于是我就利用VS Code的代碼片段功能編寫了一個用于處理這些輸入輸出的代碼框架,并加入了測試功能(寫函數(shù)前先寫測試時正確的事情)。代碼如下
"""Simple Console Program With Data Input And Output.""" import sys import io def read_int(): """Read a seris of numbers.""" return list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())) def test_read_int(): """Test the read_int function""" test_file = io.StringIO("1 2 3 ") sys.stdin = test_file assert read_int() == [1, 2, 3], "read_int error" def read_float(): """Read a seris of float numbers.""" return list(map(float, sys.stdin.readline().split())) def test_read_float(): """Test the read_float function""" test_file = io.StringIO("1 2 3 ") sys.stdin = test_file assert read_float() == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "read_float error" def read_word(): """Read a seris of string.""" return list(map(str, sys.stdin.readline().split())) def test_read_word(): """Test the read_word function""" test_file = io.StringIO("1 2 3 ") sys.stdin = test_file assert read_word() == ["1", "2", "3"], "read_word error" def combine_with(seq, sep=" ", num=None): """Combine list enum with a character and return the string object""" res = sep.join(list(map(str, seq))) if num is not None: res = str(seq[0]) for element in range(1, len(seq)): res += sep + str(seq[element]) if element % num != 0 else " " + str(seq[element]) return res def test_combile_with(): """Test the combile_with function.""" assert combine_with([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "*", 2) == """1*2 3*4 5""", "combine_with error." def main(): """The main function.""" pass if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(int(main() or 0))VS Code代碼片段
添加到VS Code的默認代碼片段的操作大致如下:
{ /* // Place your snippets for Python here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, ${id} and ${id:label} and ${1:label} for variables. Variables with the same id are connected. // Example: "Print to console": { "prefix": "log", "body": [ "console.log("$1");", "$2" ], "description": "Log output to console" } */ "Simple Console Program With Data Input And Output": { "prefix": "simple", "body": [""""Simple Console Program With Data Input And Output.""" import sys def read_int(): """Read a seris of numbers.""" return list(map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())) def read_float(): """Read a seris of float numbers.""" return list(map(float, sys.stdin.readline().split())) def read_word(): """Read a seris of string.""" return list(map(str, sys.stdin.readline().split())) def combine_with(seq, sep=" ", num=None): """Combine list enum with a character and return the string object""" res = sep.join(list(map(str, seq))) if num is not None: res = str(seq[0]) for element in range(1, len(seq)): res += sep + str(seq[element]) if element % num != 0 else " " + str(seq[element]) return res def main(): """The main function.""" pass if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(int(main() or 0)) " ], "description": "Simple Console Program With Data Input And Output" } }``` 然后再編寫Python代碼的時候,鍵入"simple"就可以自動輸入以上模板。 ![](https://static.oschina.net/uploads/img/201608/04182804_9GZn.png "在這里輸入圖片標題") # 總結
摘要:應直接使用原序列中的結點,返回歸并后的帶頭結點的鏈表頭指針。要求分別計算兩個多項式的乘積與和,輸出第一項為乘積的系數(shù)和指數(shù),第二行為和的系數(shù)和指數(shù)。選定了表示方法后,考慮數(shù)據(jù)結構設計。選擇鏈表在設計數(shù)據(jù)結構的時候有系數(shù)指數(shù)和指針結構指針。 函數(shù)題給出編譯器為 C(gcc) 的解答,編程題給出編譯器 C++(g++) 或 Python(python3) 的解答。 函數(shù)題 兩個有序鏈表序...
摘要:先去空白,去掉空白之后取第一個字符,判斷正負符號,若是英文直接返回,若數(shù)字則不取?;匚臄?shù)題目描述判斷一個整數(shù)是否是回文數(shù)?;匚臄?shù)是指正序從左向右和倒序從右向左讀都是一樣的整數(shù)。 JS算法題之leetcode(1~10) 前言 一直以來,前端開發(fā)的知識儲備在數(shù)據(jù)結構以及算法層面是有所暫缺的,可能歸根于我們的前端開發(fā)的業(yè)務性質(zhì),但是我認為任何的編程崗位都離不開數(shù)據(jù)結構以及算法。因此,我作為...
摘要:正如我標題所說,簡歷被拒??戳宋液啔v之后說頭條競爭激烈,我背景不夠,點到為止。。三準備面試其實從三月份投遞簡歷開始準備面試到四月份收,也不過個月的時間,但這都是建立在我過去一年的積累啊。 本文是 無精瘋 同學投稿的面試經(jīng)歷 關注微信公眾號:進擊的java程序員K,即可獲取最新BAT面試資料一份 在此感謝 無精瘋 同學的分享 目錄: 印象中的頭條 面試背景 準備面試 ...
摘要:正如我標題所說,簡歷被拒??戳宋液啔v之后說頭條競爭激烈,我背景不夠,點到為止。。三準備面試其實從三月份投遞簡歷開始準備面試到四月份收,也不過個月的時間,但這都是建立在我過去一年的積累啊。 本文是 無精瘋 同學投稿的面試經(jīng)歷 關注微信公眾號:進擊的java程序員K,即可獲取最新BAT面試資料一份 在此感謝 無精瘋 同學的分享目錄:印象中的頭條面試背景準備面試頭條一面(Java+項目)頭條...
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