# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 在學(xué)習(xí)過程中有什么不懂得可以加我的python學(xué)習(xí)交流扣扣qun,934109170,群里有不錯的學(xué)習(xí)教程、開發(fā)工具與電子書籍。 與你分享python企業(yè)當下人才需求及怎么從零基礎(chǔ)學(xué)習(xí)好python,和學(xué)習(xí)什么內(nèi)容。 """ # code by: 物網(wǎng)141 王璞劼Khalil # name: 理工大富翁beta2.0 # describe: 基于python的一個2D大富翁游戲 """ 1.游戲地圖為自己使用各種網(wǎng)絡(luò)素材制作; 各種按鈕和選項,小圖標等也是使用PS制作。 2.聲音效果主要為背景音樂和幾種游戲中音效; 3.游戲設(shè)定了兩個類:玩家和建筑 玩家的參數(shù)和方法都在代碼中給出; 具體有:移動方法、位置判斷方法、 購買房屋方法、添加小房子方法、 事件判斷方法。 4.玩家在大富翁的主要操作是投擲骰子,由隨機函數(shù) 進行判定然后進行移動,進行位置判斷,然后開始 進行相關(guān)的判定。 5.游戲中的按鍵有:是、否、和結(jié)束回合; 每個按鍵由沒按下與按下兩種狀態(tài)的圖片組成, 這個設(shè)計花費了一定時間。 還有 開始游戲 和 扔骰子 的兩個明暗按鈕, 由pygame優(yōu)化后的一個函數(shù)實現(xiàn)。 6.玩家的位置與電腦重疊時會將雙方的位置進行一定 偏移,防止進行覆蓋,分不清自己的位置。 7.游戲基礎(chǔ)功能有移動,購買房子,在已經(jīng)購買的房子下 搭建新的小房子增加過路費,被收費,判斷勝負的基礎(chǔ) 功能,此外還加入了幸運事件: 財神 - 免收費一次 衰神 - 雙倍被收費一次 破壞神 - 直接破壞一個建筑 無論敵我 土地神 - 強占對面建筑 這四項功能在位置處于左上角和右下角的時候會被觸發(fā), 添加了很多游戲樂趣哦~~~ ^_^ 8.游戲基于python的一個模塊pygame實現(xiàn),給我提供了很 多快樂的時光,謝謝老師的閱覽與郭寧同學(xué)的協(xié)助答辯 :) """ #####################準備工作################## # 初始化各種模塊 import pygame import random import sys # 定義類 class Player(): def __init__(self, image ,name , isPlayer): self.name = name self.money = 10000 self.isGoingToMove = False self.movable = True self.image = image self.position = 0 self.temp_position = False self.dice_value = 0 self.locatedBuilding = 0 self.showText = [] self.isPlayer = isPlayer self.ownedBuildings = [] self.isShowText = False self.soundPlayList = 0 self.caishen = 0 self.shuaishen = 0 self.tudishen = 0 self.pohuaishen = 0 def judgePosition(self,buildings): # 位置判斷 返回值是所在位置的建筑 for each in buildings: for every in each.location: if self.position == every: return each # 當使用元組時 當元組中只有一個元素時 發(fā)現(xiàn)該元素不可迭代 # 出現(xiàn)錯誤 換成列表后解決 """ try: for every in each.location: if self.position == every: print(each.name) except: if self.position == every: print(each.name) """ def buyaBuilding(self,isPressYes): # 購買方法 if isPressYes and self.locatedBuilding.owner != self.name: self.locatedBuilding.owner = self.name self.locatedBuilding.wasBought = True self.ownedBuildings.append(self.locatedBuilding) self.money -= self.locatedBuilding.price self.showText = [self.name + "購買了" + self.locatedBuilding.name + "!"] self.soundPlayList = 1 return True else: return False def addaHouse(self,isPressYes): # 在建筑物上添加一個房子 try: if isPressYes and self.locatedBuilding.owner == self.name: self.locatedBuilding.builtRoom += 1 self.money -= self.locatedBuilding.payment self.showText = [self.name + "在" + self.locatedBuilding.name + "上!","蓋了一座房子!", "有%d" % self.locatedBuilding.builtRoom + "個房子了!", "它的過路費是%d" % (self.locatedBuilding.payment * (self.locatedBuilding.builtRoom + 1)) ] self.soundPlayList = 2 return True else: return False except: pass def move(self,buildings,allplayers): # 移動方法 返回值是所在的建筑位置 self.dice_value = random.randint(1,6) self.position += self.dice_value if self.position >= 16: self.position -= 16 self.locatedBuilding = self.judgePosition(buildings) self.isShowText = True return self.eventInPosition(allplayers) def eventInPosition(self,allplayers): # 判斷在建筑位置應(yīng)該發(fā)生的事件 building = self.locatedBuilding if building.name != "空地": if self.locatedBuilding.wasBought == False: # 未購買的時候顯示建筑的數(shù)據(jù)! if self.isPlayer == True: textLine0 = self.name +"扔出了" + "%d"% self.dice_value + "點!" textLine1 = self.name +"來到了" + building.name + "!" textLine2 = "購買價格:%d" % building.price textLine3 = "過路收費:%d" % building.payment textLine4 = "是否購買?" self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1,textLine2,textLine3,textLine4] return True else : self.addaHouse(not self.buyaBuilding(True)) # ----- 動畫 ------- # ----- 是否購買 ------ elif building.owner == self.name: # 路過自己的房子開始加蓋建筑! if self.pohuaishen == 1: textLine0 = self.name + "破壞神附體!" textLine1 = "摧毀了自己的房子!" building.owner = "no" building.wasBought = False self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1] self.pohuaishen = 0 else: if self.isPlayer == True: textLine0 = self.name + "扔出了" + "%d"% self.dice_value + "點!" textLine1 = "來到了ta的"+ self.locatedBuilding.name +"!" textLine2 = "可以加蓋小房子!" textLine3 = "加蓋收費:%d" % building.payment textLine4 = "是否加蓋?" self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1,textLine2,textLine3,textLine4] return True # ----- 動畫------- else: self.addaHouse(True) else: for each in allplayers: # 被收費! if self.locatedBuilding.owner == each.name and each.name != self.name: if self.caishen == 1: textLine0 = self.name + "財神附體!" textLine1 = "免除過路費%d!" % (building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1)) self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1] self.caishen = 0 else: if self.tudishen == 1: textLine0 = self.name + "土地神附體!" textLine1 = "強占土地!" textLine2 = building.name + "現(xiàn)在屬于"+ self.name self.locatedBuilding.owner = self.name self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1,textLine2] self.tudishen = 0 else: if self.pohuaishen == 1: textLine0 = self.name + "破壞神附體!" textLine1 = "摧毀了對手的房子!" building.owner = "no" building.wasBought = False self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1] self.pohuaishen = 0 else: textLine0 = self.name + "扔出了" + "%d"% self.dice_value + "點!" textLine1 = self.name+ "來到了"+ each.name+"的:" textLine2 = building.name + ",被收費!" if self.shuaishen == 1: textLine3 = "過路收費:%d*2!" % (building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1)*2) self.shuaishen = 0 else: textLine3 = "過路收費:%d" % (building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1)) textLine4 = "哦!"+ self.name +"好倒霉!" self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1,textLine2,textLine3,textLine4] # 收費! self.money -= building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1) each.money += building.payment * (building.builtRoom + 1) self.soundPlayList = 3 # ----- 動畫------- else: # 發(fā)現(xiàn)不能處理在空地上的情況 于是使用 try & except 來解決!然后加入了幸運事件功能! # 后來發(fā)現(xiàn) try except 弊端太大 找不到錯誤的根源 換為if else嵌套。。 whichone = self.dice_value % 4 if whichone == 0: self.caishen = 1 textLine2 = "遇到了財神!" textLine3 = "免一次過路費!" if whichone == 1: self.shuaishen = 1 textLine2 = "遇到了衰神!" textLine3 = "過路費加倍一次!" if whichone == 2: self.tudishen = 1 textLine2 = "遇到了土地神!" textLine3 = "強占一次房子!" if whichone == 3: self.pohuaishen = 1 textLine3 = "摧毀路過的房子!" textLine2 = "遇到了破壞神!" textLine0 = self.name +"扔出了" +"%d"% self.dice_value + "點!" textLine1 = "來到了運氣地點!" self.showText = [textLine0,textLine1,textLine2,textLine3] class Building(): # 好像所有功能都在Player類里實現(xiàn)了=_= def __init__(self,name,price,payment,location): self.name = name self.price = price self.payment = payment self.location = location self.wasBought = False # 是否被購買 self.builtRoom = 0 # 小房子建造的數(shù)目 self.owner = "no" # 帶透明度的繪圖方法 by turtle 2333 def blit_alpha(target,source,location,opacity): x = location[0] y = location[1] temp = pygame.Surface((source.get_width(),source.get_height())).convert() temp.blit(target , (-x , -y)) temp.blit(source,(0,0)) temp.set_alpha(opacity) target.blit(temp,location) ########################主函數(shù)######################### def main(): pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 初始化屏幕 size = (1270,768) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption("理工大大富翁 - made by 王璞劼") # 讀取字體以及有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù) textColorInMessageBox = (141,146,152) white = (255,255,255) black = (0,0,0) red = (255,0,0) font = pygame.font.Font("resourcefontmyfont.ttf",30) # 讀取資源 backgroud = pygame.image.load("resourcepicGameMap.png") chess = pygame.image.load("resourcepicchess.png") chess_com = pygame.image.load("resourcepicchess1.png") bigdice_image = pygame.image.load("resourcepicdice.png").convert_alpha() dice_1 = pygame.image.load("resourcepicdice_1.png") dice_2 = pygame.image.load("resourcepicdice_2.png") dice_3 = pygame.image.load("resourcepicdice_3.png") dice_4 = pygame.image.load("resourcepicdice_4.png") dice_5 = pygame.image.load("resourcepicdice_5.png") dice_6 = pygame.image.load("resourcepicdice_6.png") dices = [dice_1,dice_2,dice_3,dice_4,dice_5,dice_6] yes = pygame.image.load("resourcepicyes.png") yes2 = pygame.image.load("resourcepicyes2.png") no = pygame.image.load("resourcepic o.png") no2 = pygame.image.load("resourcepic o2.png") GameStart = pygame.image.load("resourcepicGameStart.png") StartGameButton = pygame.image.load("resourcepicStartGameButton.png").convert_alpha() turnover = pygame.image.load("resourcepic urnover.png") turnover2 = pygame.image.load("resourcepic urnover2.png") shuaishen = pygame.image.load("resourcepicshuaishen.png").convert_alpha() tudishen = pygame.image.load("resourcepic udishen.png").convert_alpha() caishen = pygame.image.load("resourcepiccaishen.png").convert_alpha() pohuaishen = pygame.image.load("resourcepicpohuaishen.png").convert_alpha() rollDiceSound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resourcesound olldicesound.wav") bgm = pygame.mixer.music.load("resourcesoundgm.ogg") throwcoin = pygame.mixer.Sound("resourcesound hrowcoin.wav") moneysound = pygame.mixer.Sound("resourcesoundmoneysound.wav") aiyo = pygame.mixer.Sound("resourcesoundaiyo.wav") didong = pygame.mixer.Sound("resourcesounddidong.wav") # PlayList 在對象中設(shè)置應(yīng)該播放的聲音 playList = [moneysound ,throwcoin ,aiyo] # 各種Surface的rect bigdice_rect = bigdice_image.get_rect() bigdice_rect.left , bigdice_rect.top = 50 , 600 yes_rect = yes.get_rect() yes_rect.left , yes_rect.top = 500,438 no_rect = no.get_rect() no_rect.left , no_rect.top = 630,438 button_rect = StartGameButton.get_rect() button_rect.left , button_rect.top = 1003,30 turnover_rect = turnover.get_rect() turnover_rect.left , turnover_rect.top = 1035,613 # 實例化對象 players = [] computers = [] allplayers = [] player_1 = Player(chess , "玩家" , True ) player_com1 = Player(chess_com , "電腦" , False ) players.append(player_1) computers.append(player_com1) allplayers.append(player_1) allplayers.append(player_com1) presentPlayer = player_com1 # 初始化建筑物數(shù)據(jù) gate = Building("大門",1000,200,[1,2]) fountain = Building("噴泉",2000,400,[3,4]) path = Building("小道",800,160,[5]) library = Building("圖書館",2000,400,[6,7]) kongdi1 = Building("空地",0,0,[8]) classroomTen = Building("教十",1200,240,[9,10]) classroomNine = Building("教九",1200,240,[11,12]) resOne = Building("三餐廳",800,160,[13]) resTwo = Building("二餐廳",800,160,[14]) resThree = Building("一餐廳",800,160,[15]) kongdi2 = Building("空地",0,0,[0]) buildings = [gate,fountain,path,library,classroomNine, classroomTen,resOne,resThree,resTwo,kongdi1,kongdi2] # 坐標數(shù)據(jù) 同時處理坐標數(shù)據(jù) 使之合適 MapXYvalue = [(435.5,231.5),(509.5,231.5),(588.5,231.5),(675.5,231.5),(758.5,231.5), (758.5,317.0),(758.5,405.5),(758.5,484.5),(758.5,558.5),(679.5,558.5), (601.5,558.5),(518.5,556.5),(435.5,556.5),(435.5,479.5),(435.5,399.0), (435.5,315.5) ] MapChessPosition_Player = [] MapChessPosition_Com = [] MapChessPosition_Original = [] MapChessPosition_Payment = [] MapMessageBoxPosition = (474.1 , 276.9) YesNoMessageBoxPosition = [(500,438) , (630,438)] StartGameButtonPosition = (1003,30) TurnOvwrButtonPosition = (1035,613) # 調(diào)整位置 for i in range(0,16): MapChessPosition_Original.append((MapXYvalue[i][0]-50,MapXYvalue[i][1]-80)) MapChessPosition_Player.append((MapXYvalue[i][0]-70,MapXYvalue[i][1]-60)) MapChessPosition_Com.append((MapXYvalue[i][0]-30,MapXYvalue[i][1]-100)) MapChessPosition_Payment.append((MapXYvalue[i][0]-30,MapXYvalue[i][1]-15)) # 循環(huán)時所用的一些變量 running = True image_alpha = 255 button_alpha = 255 half_alpha = 30 showdice = True showYes2 = False showNo2 = False showYes_No = False pressYes = False whetherYes_NoJudge = False gameStarted = False showButton2 = False # 播放背景音樂 pygame.mixer.music.play(100) #################進入游戲循環(huán)!######################## # 循環(huán)開始! while running: if not gameStarted: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # 明暗觸發(fā) 鼠標位置判斷 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if button_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): button_alpha = 255 else: button_alpha = 120 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if button_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按下按鈕 didong.play() gameStarted = True screen.blit(GameStart , (0,0)) blit_alpha(screen, StartGameButton, StartGameButtonPosition, button_alpha) if gameStarted: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # 明暗觸發(fā) 鼠標位置判斷 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if bigdice_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): image_alpha = 255 else: image_alpha = 190 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if bigdice_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按骰子 if presentPlayer != player_1: rollDiceSound.play(1, 2000) pygame.time.delay(2000) showYes_No = player_1.move(buildings,allplayers) whetherYes_NoJudge = showYes_No presentPlayer = player_1 else: presentPlayer.showText = ["還沒到你的回合!"] if turnover_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按回合結(jié)束 showButton2 = True if presentPlayer != player_com1: showYes_No = player_com1.move(buildings,allplayers) presentPlayer = player_com1 else: presentPlayer.showText = ["還沒到你的回合!"] else: showButton2 = False # 不顯示Yes_No的時候不能點擊它們! if whetherYes_NoJudge == True: if yes_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否 showYes2 = True if no_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否 showNo2 = True if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if turnover_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按回合結(jié)束 showButton2 = False if yes_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否 showYes2 = False showYes_No = False # 只有在可以判定的時候才能算按下了是 同時將判斷條件置為空 if whetherYes_NoJudge == True: pressYes = True whetherYes_NoJudge = False if no_rect.collidepoint(event.pos): # 按是否 showNo2 = False pressYes = False showYes_No = False whetherYes_NoJudge = False # 測試事件選項 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_w: showYes_No = player_1.move(buildings,allplayers) whetherYes_NoJudge = showYes_No presentPlayer = player_1 if event.key == pygame.K_q: showYes_No = player_com1.move(buildings,allplayers) presentPlayer = player_com1 """for each in allplayers: if each.isGoingToMove == True and each.movable == True : showYes_No = each.move(buildings,allplayers) each.movable = False each.isGoingToMove = False""" """ allisready = True for each in allplayers: if each.movable == True: allisready = False if allisready: for each in allplayers: each.movable = True """ # 購買房屋?。。。。。。?! if presentPlayer.buyaBuilding(pressYes) == True: pressYes = False if presentPlayer.addaHouse(pressYes) == True: pressYes = False ######################################################################### screen.blit( backgroud , (0,0) ) blit_alpha(screen, bigdice_image, (50, 600), image_alpha) textPosition = [MapMessageBoxPosition[0],MapMessageBoxPosition[1]] # 打印信息 for each in presentPlayer.showText: text = font.render(each, True, white, textColorInMessageBox) screen.blit(text,textPosition) textPosition[1] += 30 # 播放行動聲音 if presentPlayer.soundPlayList != 0: playList[presentPlayer.soundPlayList - 1].play() presentPlayer.soundPlayList = 0 # 在位置上顯示過路費 for i in range(1,8): for each in buildings: for every in each.location: if i == every: if each.owner == presentPlayer.name: text = font.render("%d" % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) , True, red) elif each.owner == "no": text = font.render("%d" % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) , True, white) elif each.owner != presentPlayer.name and each.owner != "no": text = font.render("%d" % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) , True, black) screen.blit(text,MapChessPosition_Payment[i]) for i in range(9,16): for each in buildings: for every in each.location: if i == every: if each.owner == presentPlayer.name: text = font.render("%d" % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) , True, red) elif each.owner == "no": text = font.render("%d" % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) , True, white) elif each.owner != presentPlayer.name and each.owner != "no": text = font.render("%d" % (each.payment * (each.builtRoom + 1)) , True, black) screen.blit(text,MapChessPosition_Payment[i]) # 打印金錢數(shù)和幸運狀態(tài) money_1 = font.render(player_1.name +"金錢:%d" % player_1.money, True, black, white) screen.blit(money_1,(0,0)) if player_1.pohuaishen == True: screen.blit(pohuaishen,(0,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, pohuaishen, (0, 30), half_alpha) if player_1.caishen == True: screen.blit(caishen,(55,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, caishen, (55, 30), half_alpha) if player_1.shuaishen == True: screen.blit(shuaishen,(110,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, shuaishen, (110, 30), half_alpha) if player_1.tudishen == True: screen.blit(tudishen,(165,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, tudishen, (165, 30), half_alpha) money_2 = font.render(player_com1.name +"金錢:%d" % player_com1.money, True, black, white) screen.blit(money_2,(1000,0)) if player_com1.pohuaishen == True: screen.blit(pohuaishen,(1000,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, pohuaishen, (1000, 30), half_alpha) if player_com1.caishen == True: screen.blit(caishen,(1055,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, caishen, (1055, 30), half_alpha) if player_com1.shuaishen == True: screen.blit(shuaishen,(1110,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, shuaishen, (1110, 30), half_alpha) if player_com1.tudishen == True: screen.blit(tudishen,(1165,30)) else: blit_alpha(screen, tudishen, (1165, 30), half_alpha) # 放置扔出來的骰子 if player_1.dice_value != 0 and showdice: screen.blit(dices[player_1.dice_value - 1],(70,450)) # 放置回合結(jié)束按鈕 if showButton2: screen.blit(turnover2,TurnOvwrButtonPosition) else: screen.blit(turnover,TurnOvwrButtonPosition) # 放置是否按鈕 if showYes_No == True: screen.blit(yes , YesNoMessageBoxPosition[0]) screen.blit(no , YesNoMessageBoxPosition[1]) if showYes2 == True: screen.blit(yes2 , YesNoMessageBoxPosition[0]) if showNo2 == True: screen.blit(no2 , YesNoMessageBoxPosition[1]) # 放置玩家與電腦的位置 如果重合則挪位 for each in players: for every in computers: if each.position == every.position: screen.blit(each.image,MapChessPosition_Player[each.position]) screen.blit(every.image,MapChessPosition_Com[every.position]) each.temp_position = True every.temp_position = True for each in players: if each.temp_position == False: screen.blit(each.image,MapChessPosition_Original[each.position]) each.temp_position = True each.temp_position = not each.temp_position for every in computers: if every.temp_position == False: screen.blit(every.image,MapChessPosition_Original[every.position]) every.temp_position = True every.temp_position = not every.temp_position # 輸贏判斷 for each in allplayers: if each.money <= 0: font = pygame.font.Font("resourcefontmyfont.ttf",200) loseText = font.render(each.name +"輸了!", True, red) screen.fill(black) screen.blit(loseText,(100,100)) font = pygame.font.Font("resourcefontmyfont.ttf",30) pygame.time.delay(3000) # 畫面運行 pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(60) # 刷新率 # 雙擊打開運行 if __name__ == "__main__": main()
摘要:但開發(fā)的游戲是無法通過網(wǎng)頁發(fā)給別人在線玩的,更不能做成微信小游戲。它使用作為開發(fā)語言,開發(fā)出的游戲可以直接生成微信小游戲網(wǎng)頁安卓等平臺上的版本。 微信群里最大的騷擾源有兩種: 一是轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)#吱口令#~!@#¥%……&*,長按復(fù)制此消息領(lǐng)紅包之類的 另一種就是各種小程序和小游戲的分享 前天有同學(xué)無意間把一個小游戲分享到了答疑群中,我看了一下,其實游戲的代碼邏輯并不復(fù)雜(簡化版的跳一跳,套上個...
摘要:本文與大家分享一些編程語言的入門書籍,其中不乏經(jīng)典。全書貫穿的主體是如何思考設(shè)計開發(fā)的方法,而具體的編程語言,只是提供一個具體場景方便介紹的媒介。入門入門容易理解而且讀起來幽默風(fēng)趣,對于編程初學(xué)者和語言新手而言是理想的書籍。 本文與大家分享一些Python編程語言的入門書籍,其中不乏經(jīng)典。我在這里分享的,大部分是這些書的英文版,如果有中文版的我也加上了。有關(guān)書籍的介紹,大部分截取自是官...
摘要:入門,第一個這是一門很新的語言,年前后正式公布,算起來是比較年輕的編程語言了,更重要的是它是面向程序員的函數(shù)式編程語言,它的代碼運行在之上。它通過編輯類工具,帶來了先進的編輯體驗,增強了語言服務(wù)。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bV1xdq?w=900&h=385); 新的一年不知不覺已經(jīng)到來了,總結(jié)過去的 2017,相信小伙們一定有很多收獲...
摘要:入門,第一個這是一門很新的語言,年前后正式公布,算起來是比較年輕的編程語言了,更重要的是它是面向程序員的函數(shù)式編程語言,它的代碼運行在之上。它通過編輯類工具,帶來了先進的編輯體驗,增強了語言服務(wù)。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bV1xdq?w=900&h=385); 新的一年不知不覺已經(jīng)到來了,總結(jié)過去的 2017,相信小伙們一定有很多收獲...
摘要:入門,第一個這是一門很新的語言,年前后正式公布,算起來是比較年輕的編程語言了,更重要的是它是面向程序員的函數(shù)式編程語言,它的代碼運行在之上。它通過編輯類工具,帶來了先進的編輯體驗,增強了語言服務(wù)。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bV1xdq?w=900&h=385); 新的一年不知不覺已經(jīng)到來了,總結(jié)過去的 2017,相信小伙們一定有很多收獲...
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