最接近的數(shù)字 題目本文首發(fā) http://svtter.cn
$$ (Kleq2000,Nleq10^{20}) $$
例如:0050 所求書數(shù)字為0104;112 所求數(shù)為121;
算法分析 算法思想直接暴力求這個數(shù)字是不可以的,數(shù)字的量級太大,有K位的數(shù)字,不可能直接用int,或者float來表示,使用數(shù)組來存儲。應該分析這個數(shù)字,step1,從右邊開始的最小位數(shù)開始,分解最后一位數(shù)字,分解出1來拿給前面的一位。9和0比較特殊,因此從左往右掃描的開始,遇到0就跳過,遇到第一個非0的數(shù)字,就把這個數(shù)字-1,然后移到最后面去,然后,step2,開始找第一個非9的數(shù)字,如果遇到9,就把9放到最后面去,遇到非9,就+1,結(jié)束運算。
1999000 -> 1990008-> 2000899
要注意一個問題,就是如果是 999000 這種情況,在數(shù)字的最開頭補1,結(jié)果是1000899
幾個刁蠻的數(shù)據(jù):29399 -> 29489
偽代碼array = get_array() # number to char array array.reverse() step1 = true step2 = false zero = 0, cnt = 0; for i : 1 - lengthof(array) if step1: if array[i] is 0: zero ++ else: array[i] = array[i] - 1 if zero > 0: array[0] = array[i] array[i] = 0 step1 = false step2 = true else if step2: if array[i] is 9: if zero == 0: array[cnt+1] = array[cnt] array[cnt] = 9 cnt++ if (i != cnt): array[i] = array[i-1] else: array[cnt + 1] = array[cnt] array[cnt] = 9 cnt++ array[i] = 0 else: i = i+1 step2 = false break if not step2: array[lengthof(array)] = 1 array.reverse() disp(array)分析時間復雜度O
$$ O(3K) approx O(K) $$
源代碼#include測試結(jié)果#include const int MAXN = 3000; char array[MAXN]; int length_of_number; void get_array() { int i; char null; scanf("%d", &length_of_number); scanf("%c", &null); for (i = 0; i < length_of_number; i++) { scanf("%c", &array[i]); } scanf("%c", &null); } void reverse() { int i ; char temp; for (i = 0; i < length_of_number/2; i++) { // _swap temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[length_of_number - 1 - i]; array[length_of_number-1-i] = temp; } } void run() { reverse(); int step1 = 1, step2 = 0, i = 0, zero = 0, cnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < length_of_number; i++) { if (step1) { if (array[i] == "0") { zero++; } else { array[i] = array[i] - 1; if (zero > 0) { array[cnt] = array[i]; array[i] = "0"; } step1 = 0, step2 = 1; } } else if (step2) { if (array[i] == "9") { if (zero == 0) { array[cnt + 1] = array[cnt]; array[cnt] = "9"; cnt++; if (i != cnt) { array[i] = array[i-1]; } } else { array[cnt + 1] = array[cnt]; array[cnt] = "9"; cnt++; array[i] = "0"; } } else { array[i] ++; step2 = 0; break; } } } if (step2) { array[length_of_number] = "1"; length_of_number ++; } } void output() { int i; reverse(); for(i = 0; i < length_of_number; i++) { printf("%c", array[i]); } printf(" "); } int main() { memset(array, 0, sizeof(array)); freopen("input", "r", stdin); get_array(); run(); output(); return 0; }
""" 最接近的數(shù)字 """ import random import os def test(): """ sample test """ num = random.randint(0, 10000000) sum_of_num = 0 for i in str(num): sum_of_num += int(i) length = len(str(num)) temp_num = num + 1 while(True): sum_temp = 0 for i in str(temp_num): sum_temp += int(i) if sum_temp == sum_of_num: break temp_num += 1 with open("input", "w") as f: f.write(str(length) + " ") f.write(str(num)) res = os.popen("./ex2").read() if temp_num == int(res): return [True] else: return [False, num, temp_num, int(res)] all = True for i in range(1000): res = test() if res[0] is False: all = False print(res) if all: print("Pass testing!")
后期改善優(yōu)化的地方reverse 是為了編程方便進行的處理,但是如果數(shù)字太大,速度肯定會受影響,這個時候就不要使用reverse了。
尋找發(fā)帖水王 題目如果“水王”沒有了,但有三個發(fā)帖很多的ID,發(fā)帖的數(shù)目都超過了帖子做數(shù)的1/4,又如何快速找出他們的ID。
算法分析 算法思想從0-n掃描ID數(shù)組,記錄3個數(shù)字的個數(shù),如果出現(xiàn)第四個數(shù)字,就把三個數(shù)字的個數(shù)減少1,如果有一個數(shù)字的個數(shù)減少到0,那么把新來的數(shù)字作為原本三個數(shù)字之一進行記錄。
偽代碼array = get_array() count = empty_set() for i in array: if count.full: if i in count: count.i.num ++ else: for j in count: count.j.num-- else count.add(i) disp(count)分析時間復雜度O
$$ O(3n) approx O(n) $$
源代碼#include測試結(jié)果#include #define MAXN 5000 int idarray[MAXN]; int cur[3]; // 記錄當前元素 int pos[3]; // 記錄當前元素個數(shù) // 檢查是否在數(shù)組內(nèi),如果不在數(shù)組內(nèi),添加進入數(shù)組 void checkin(int no) { int i; // 檢查是否有空位置 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (pos[i] == 0) { cur[i] = no; pos[i] ++; return; } } // 尋找指定數(shù)字++ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (cur[i] == no) { pos[i] ++; return; } } // 沒有找到重復數(shù)字,全部-- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) pos[i] --; } // 輸出最后結(jié)果 void output() { printf("%d %d %d ", cur[0], cur[1], cur[2]); } // 主程序 int numberOfArray; void run() { int i; for (i = 0; i < numberOfArray; i++) { checkin(idarray[i]); } output(); } void input() { int i; scanf("%d", &numberOfArray); for(i = 0; i < numberOfArray; i++) { scanf("%d", &idarray[i]); } } int main() { freopen("input", "r", stdin); int groupOfTest; scanf("%d", &groupOfTest); while(groupOfTest--) { memset(cur, 0, sizeof(cur)); memset(pos, 0, sizeof(pos)); memset(idarray, 0, sizeof(idarray)); input(); puts("Test running..."); run(); } return 0; }
""" 尋找發(fā)帖水王 """ import random N = 4000 a, b = (int(N/4), int(N/3)) three_id = random.sample(range(1, 100), 3) three_id_num = {} sum_rand = 0 for i in three_id: temp = random.randint(a, b) sum_rand += temp three_id_num[i] = three_id_num.get(i, 0) + temp id_array = [random.randint(1, 100) for i in range(N-sum_rand)] for i in three_id: id_array = id_array + [i for j in range(three_id_num[i])] random.shuffle(id_array) print("Most three id:", three_id) print("Three id num: ", three_id_num) print("Sum of three_id num: ", sum_rand) print("---------------") # print(id_array) with open("input", "w") as f: f.write("1 ") f.write(str(N) + " ") for i in id_array: f.write(str(i) + " ")后期改善優(yōu)化的地方
山西煤老板 題目你是山西的一個煤老板,你在礦區(qū)開采了有3000噸煤需要運送到市場上去賣,從你的礦區(qū)到市場有1000公里,你手里有一列燒煤的火車,這個火車只能裝1000噸煤,且能耗比較大——每一公里需要耗一噸煤。請問,作為一個懂編程的煤老板,你會怎么運送才能運最多的煤到集市?
算法分析 算法思想從動態(tài)規(guī)劃的角度求最優(yōu)解:
假設(shè)起始運送貨物量為t,終點路程為s,火車容量為c,可以運抵終點的最多貨物量為函數(shù) F(t, s)。
(1)t < s:貨物量不足以運送到此距離,所以F(t, s) = 0;
(2)s < t < c:火車一次就可以裝完貨物,所以F(t, s) = t - s;
(3)2s < c 使得火車一次無法運完,但可以采用往返的方式多次運輸,這種情況下最有的方式就是減少總共往返的次數(shù),也就是直接運到終點而不在中間卸貨,所以
$$ F(t, s) = (t / c - 1) * (c - 2s) + (c - s) $$
$$ F(t, s) = max{ F( F(t, i), s - i)} (1 <= i < s) $$
分析了一下這個方程是有問題的,比如F(1750, 250)會計算出1125;
$$ F(t, s) = (t // c - 1) * (c - 2s) + (c - s) + (t \% c - 2 s), if (t\%c > 2s) $$
偽代碼begin: if t < s: f[t][s] = 0 elif s < t < c: f[t][s] = t - s elif 2*s < c: f[t][s] = int((t//c-1)*(c-2*s) + (c-s)) if t % c > 2*s: f[t][s] += int(t % c-2*s) else: pre = -2 for i in range(1, s): pre = int(max(F(F(t, i), s-i), pre)) f[t][s] = pre end disp(f[3000][1000])分析時間復雜度O
$$ O(3000*3000) $$
源代碼""" 山西煤老板 """ c = 1000 f = [[-1 for k in range(4000)] for j in range(4000)] for j in range(4000): for k in range(4000): if j < k: f[j][k] = 0 count = 1000 cnt = 0 def F(t, s): """ dp """ global count global c global f # count -= 1 # if count == 0: # count = int(input()) t = int(t) s = int(s) if f[t][s] != -1: return f[t][s] if t < s: f[t][s] = 0 elif s < t < c: f[t][s] = t - s elif 2*s < c: f[t][s] = int((t//c-1)*(c-2*s) + (c-s)) if t % c > 2*s: f[t][s] += int(t % c-2*s) else: pre = -2 for i in range(1, s): pre = int(max(F(F(t, i), s-i), pre)) f[t][s] = pre print(t, s, f[t][s]) return f[t][s] print(F(3000, 500))測試結(jié)果 后期改善優(yōu)化的地方
$$ 3y=1000 5x=1000 解得x+y=200+333=533,因此使得最后一輛火車抵達時節(jié)省了533噸煤 $$
Facebook 題目Given a list of words, L, that are all the same length, and a string, S, find the starting position of the substring of S that is concatenation of each word in L exactly once and without intervening characters. This substring will occur exactly once in S.
算法分析 算法思想使用hashmap來保存word的hash值,來加快查找速度。(舊)
$$ hash(w_1) + hash(w_2) = hash(w_2) + hash(w_1) $$
偽代碼hash_word_list = list(map(hash, words)) hash_sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hash_word_list) for i in range(len(sentence)): wl = word_len wlist = [sentence[i+j*wl:i+j*wl+wl] for j in range(words_len)] temp_sum = 0 for k in wlist: temp_sum += hash(k) if temp_sum == hash_sum: print(i) break分析時間復雜度O
$$ O(lengthOfS) $$
源代碼#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ facebook """ from functools import reduce while True: words = input() # words = "fooo barr wing ding wing" words = words.split(" ") word_len = len(words[0]) words_len = len(words) hash_word_list = list(map(hash, words)) hash_sum = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, hash_word_list) sentence = input() # sentence = """lingmindraboofooowingdin # gbarrwingfooomonkeypoundcakewingdingbarrwingfooowing""" # print(words, words_len, word_len, sentence) for i in range(len(sentence)): wl = word_len wlist = [sentence[i+j*wl:i+j*wl+wl] for j in range(words_len)] # print(wlist) temp_sum = 0 for k in wlist: temp_sum += hash(k) if temp_sum == hash_sum: print(i) break測試結(jié)果
For n -m - problems ProblemsetAssume we have a sequence that contains N numbers of type long. And we know for sure that among this sequence each number does occur exactly n times except for the one number that occurs exactly m times (0 < m < n). How do we find that number with O(N) operations and O(1) additional memory?
Algorithm^ is the add operation without carry.
默認one,two都是0, 即任何數(shù)字都不存在
數(shù)字a第一次來的時候, one標記a存在, two不變
數(shù)字a第二次來的時候, one標記a不存在, two標記a存在
數(shù)字a第三次來的時候, one不變, two標記a不存在
Pseudocodedef solve2(array): one = 0, two = 0 for i in range(array): one = (one ^ array[i]) & ~two two = (two ^ array[i]) & ~one return one, two array = input() _, res = solve2(array)
### Source code
#!/usr/bin/env python def solve(array): one, two = 0, 0 for i in array: one = (one ^ i) & ~two two = (two ^ i) & ~one return one, two if __name__ == "__main__": array = input() array = array.split(" ") array = list(map(lambda x: int(x), array)) # print(array) _, res = solve(array) print(res)Test
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import random def test(): """ 測試 """ array = [] n, m = 3, 2 numberofNum = random.randint(100, 1000) record = {} for _ in range(numberofNum): temp = random.randint(10, 10000) while temp in record: temp = random.randint(10, 10000) record[temp] = 1 for _ in range(3): array.append(temp) temp = random.randint(10, 1000) while temp in record: temp = random.randint(10, 1000) array.append(temp) array.append(temp) from run import solve _, res = solve(array) if res != temp: print("ERROR") print(array, temp) input() else: print("Pass: res: ", res, "temp:", temp) for i in range(50): test()
Use python generate data to test.
Discussion and improve如果n不是3,那么需要構(gòu)造更多的臨時變量。
很長的數(shù)組 題目一個很長很長的short型數(shù)組A,將它分成m個長為L的子數(shù)組B1,B2,…,Bm,其中每個數(shù)組排序后都是遞增的等差數(shù)列,求最大的L值。
$$ 例如,A = {-1, 3, 6, 1, 8, 10} 可以分成B_1 = {-1, 1, 3}, B_2 = {6, 8, 10},; L = 3 即為所求。 $$
統(tǒng)計元素個數(shù) O(n)
排序 O(nlog(n))
第一步用來枚舉L和m的大小,由題目可知,L * m = 數(shù)組的長度。從m為1開始枚舉,保證得到的L為最大值。
如果在給定步長的情況下, 下一個數(shù)字的大小超過之前的數(shù)字+步長,那么可以不必繼續(xù)搜索。
時間復雜度n為數(shù)組長度,排序的時間為 O(nlogn),枚舉m時間為n,枚舉step時間為65536【short跨度】,枚舉全部元素時間為n,因此算法的時間上界為
$$ O(65536n^2) $$
偽代碼leng = len(Array) for m=1 to n: if n % m != 0: continue L = n // m # deep search res, record = findArray(L, m) def findArray(L, m): group = 0 pos = np.ones(leng) record = [] record_start = [] while group != m: step = 0 start = getStart(pos) res, step = 尋找合適的步長(start, step, pos, record, L) if res: 找到了計數(shù) while res is False: 沒找到彈出棧,往回找 if 彈出棧為空: 不用找了找不到了 return False, None源代碼
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 """ arrays """ from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np array = [-1, 3, 6, 1, 8, 10] # array = [1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10] # array = [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14] # array = [1, 2, 4, 7, 11] array = sorted(array) print(array) leng = len(array) maxn = array[leng-1] enable = 1 disable = 0 def findJ(j, step, pos, record, L): """ 尋找以J為開始,以步長step為開始的數(shù)列 """ class StepError(Exception): pass class MaxException(Exception): pass if pos[j] == disable: return False start = array[j] pre = start record_temp = [] # remember zero try: for step in range(step, 40000): # 把第一個數(shù)字記錄 record_temp.append(j) pos[j] = disable pre = start if start + step * (L - 1) > maxn: raise MaxException try: cnt = 1 if cnt == L: record.append(record_temp) return True, step for k in range(j, leng): if pos[k] == disable: continue elif pos[k] == enable and array[k] == pre + step: record_temp.append(k) pre = array[k] cnt += 1 pos[k] = disable elif pos[k] == enable and array[k] > pre + step: raise StepError if cnt == L: record.append(record_temp) return True, step except StepError: # 重置標記 for r in record_temp: pos[r] = enable record_temp = [] except MaxException: # 沒有合適的step return False, None def findArray(L, m): """ 尋找數(shù)組 """ pos = np.ones(leng) record = [] record_start = [] group = 0 while group != m: start = 0 while pos[start] == disable: start += 1 step = 0 res, step = findJ(start, step, pos, record, L) if res: group += 1 record_start.append((start, step)) while res is False: try: start, step = record_start.pop() for r in record.pop(): pos[r] = enable group -= 1 res, step = findJ(start, step+1, pos, record, L) except IndexError: return False, None return True, record def divideArray(): """ 分離數(shù)組 m 是分離的數(shù)組的個數(shù) L 是分離的數(shù)組的長度 """ for m in range(1, leng+1): if leng % m != 0: continue L = leng // m res, record = findArray(L, m) def trans(x): return array[x] if res: print("lenth: ", L) for r in record: temp = map(trans, r) print(list(temp)) return print("No result.") if __name__ == "__main__": divideArray()測試
文章目錄 一、題目1、題目描述2、基礎(chǔ)框架3、原題鏈接 二、解題報告1、思路分析2、時間復雜度3、代碼詳解 三、本題小知識四、加群須知 一、題目 1、題目描述 ??給你一棵二叉搜索樹,請按 中序遍歷 將其重新排列為一棵遞增順序搜索樹,使樹中最左邊的節(jié)點成為樹的根節(jié)點,并且每個節(jié)點沒有左子節(jié)點,只有一個右子節(jié)點。??樣例輸入: [5,3,6,2,4,null,8,1,null,null,nu...
摘要:長話短說,讓我們來看一道題統(tǒng)計的個數(shù)給定一個非負整數(shù),對于任意,,計算的值對應的二進制數(shù)中的個數(shù),將這些結(jié)果返回為一個數(shù)組。第二版本的時間復雜度是最后版本的時間復雜度是,是的二進制數(shù)中的的個數(shù),介于之間。 小胡子哥@Barret李靖給我推薦了一個寫算法刷題的地方leetcode.com,沒有ACM那么難,但題目很有趣。而且據(jù)說這些題目都來源于一些公司的面試題。好吧,解解別人公司的面試題...
摘要:以下為譯文年夏天,我在網(wǎng)絡(luò)音樂平臺紐約實習,致力于使用卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)做基于內(nèi)容的音樂推薦。深度學習預測聽眾喜好基于音頻信號的音樂推薦。深度學習預測聽眾喜好去年十二月,我和同事在上發(fā)表了一篇關(guān)于這個主題的論文,題目是基于內(nèi)容的深度音樂推薦。 本文是比利時根特大學(Ghent University)的Reservoir Lab實驗室博士研究生Sander Dieleman所撰寫的博客文章,他的研究...
摘要:認真做題的分割線第一題乘積最大子序列難度中等給定一個整數(shù)數(shù)組,找出一個序列中乘積最大的連續(xù)子序列該序列至少包含一個數(shù)。 寫在前面的話 慢慢轉(zhuǎn)變思路,不再死磕不會做的題,思路可以先借鑒,但是一定要吃透透。上周末看完看完了《算法圖解》,感覺對一些題目的思路有比較大的幫助,但是還是要在實踐中理解。 認真做題的分割線 第一題 152. 乘積最大子序列難度:中等給定一個整數(shù)數(shù)組nums,找出一個...
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