上傳鏡像到Docker Hub registry
Listing images on the host列出主機的鏡像
shelladolph@geek:~$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE ubuntu 14.04 07f8e8c5e660 12 days ago 188.3 MB hello-world latest 91c95931e552 3 weeks ago 910 B training/webapp latest 31fa814ba25a 11 months ago 278.8 MB
languagedocker run -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash docker run -i -t ubuntu:latest /bin/bash (不加標簽默認是`latest`)
Finding images個人覺得標簽的好處是對于來自相同的倉庫通過標簽來告訴docker我要運行的是哪個鏡像
languagedocker search [image name] docker pull [image name]...找到合適的后直接拉下來Creating our own images
Updating and committing an imagelanguagedocker run -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash root@5bc673e32e0a:/#apt-get install git root@5bc673e32e0a:/#exit sudo docker commit -m "install git" -a "adolph" 0b2616b0e5a8 adolph/ubuntu:14.04 output:4f177bd27a9ff0f6dc2a830403925b5360bfe0b93d476f7fc3231110e7f71b1cBuilding an image from a Dockerfile
languagemkdir ubuntu cd ubuntu touch Dockerfile vim Dockerfile content: #this is my fiest image created by dockerfile FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER adolphRUN apt-get update #RUN apt-get install git
languageadolph@geek:~/ubuntu$ sudo docker build -t adolph-dockerfile/ubuntu:14.04 . Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB Sending build context to Docker daemon Step 0 : FROM ubuntu:14.04 ---> 07f8e8c5e660 Step 1 : MAINTAINER adolph---> Running in 241ad7c398c3 ---> 10d866905c1a Removing intermediate container 241ad7c398c3 Step 2 : RUN apt-get update ---> Running in 826db7ff28e6 Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty-updates InRelease 。。。。。。。。。
sudo docker build -t adolph-dockerfile/ubuntu:14.04 .
Setting tags on an image給鏡像添加標簽
languagedocker tag [image id] [username]/[repository]:[tag name]Push an image to Docker Hub
需要登錄Docker Hub賬號
docker push [image name]
Remove an image from the hostdocker rmi [image name]
總結languagedocker images...查看docker鏡像 docker search [images name]...查找鏡像
sudo docker commit -m "install git" -a "adolph" 0b2616b0e5a8(old image id) adolph/ubuntu:14.04(new image name with tag 14.04)
這條命令很重要和難記,-m和git commit -m的作用類似,-a指定作者,id指更改過的image的id,adolph/ubuntu是新的image的名字
languagedocker build -t adolph-dockerfile/ubuntu:14.04 . 后面要指定dockerfile的地址 docker tag [image id] [username]/[repository]:[tag name] docker push [image name] docker rmi [image name]
摘要:到目前為止我們已經學習了如何使用命令行在主機上運行。是由公司維護的公共注冊倉庫。其中有兩個結果,。第二個表示它來自于一位叫的用戶的倉庫。第一個結果沒有顯示列出倉庫則意味著它是受信任的官方頂級名稱空間存儲庫。將倉庫名和鏡像名分割開。 Working with Docker Hub 到目前為止我們已經學習了如何使用命令行在主機上運行Docker。你已經學習了如何下載鏡像,如何從已經存在的鏡...
摘要:先回顧之前學習過的一些命令交互式運行運行守護進程容器列表顯示容器的標準輸出命令格式能干什么顯示后能執(zhí)行的命令命令使用查看特定命令的使用方式中運行一個應用參數(shù)表示將容器內部要用到的網絡端口映射到主機顯示容器的詳細信 showImg(http://7vihfm.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/2015-3-28-weekly-summary.jpeg); 先回顧之前學習過...
摘要:相關工具本文將用到三個工具,分別是和。根據(jù)生成的的就是運行容器時需要的東西的集合。使用運行該有了后,就可以用來運行該容器了這里直接用的代替命令,如果你自己編譯了的,那么用命令也是一樣的。 上一篇介紹了image的格式,這里我們就來用一下hello-world這個image,看怎么輸出和docker run hello-world同樣的內容。 相關工具 本文將用到三個工具,分別是skop...
摘要: Docker in Windows Normally, those kinds of things will be much more troublesome when you want to run them in Windows compare to in Linux. However, Docker has made quite user-friendly for Window...
摘要: Docker in Windows Normally, those kinds of things will be much more troublesome when you want to run them in Windows compare to in Linux. However, Docker has made quite user-friendly for Window...
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