//對(duì)于跨域訪問(wèn)并需要伴隨認(rèn)證信息的請(qǐng)求,需要在 XMLHttpRequest 實(shí)例中指定 withCredentials 為 true,在響應(yīng)中指定 Access-Control-Allow-Credentials 為 true 時(shí),Access-Control-Allow-Origin 不能指定為 * header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", config("app.allow")); $response->header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, Content-Type, Cookie, Accept"); $response->header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, OPTIONS"); $response->header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); return $response; } }laravel自定義artisan命令
//命令生成文件 app/Console/Commands/TopicMakeExcerptCommand.php php artisan make:console TopicMakeExcerptCommand --command=topics:excerpt excerpt)) { $topic->excerpt = Topic::makeExcerpt($topic->body); $topic->save(); $transfer_count++; } } $this->info("Transfer old data count: " . $transfer_count); $this->info("It"s Done, have a good day."); } } //在 app/Console/Kernel.php 文件里面, 添加以下 protected $commands = [ AppConsoleCommandsTopicMakeExcerptCommand::class, ]; //命令行調(diào)用 php artisan topics:excerpt去除CSRF TOKEN的保護(hù)
Route::post("wechatmp", "WechatController@responseMsg"); class VerifyCsrfToken extends BaseVerifier { protected $except = [ "wechatmp", ]; }DateTime非常方便快捷地計(jì)算出兩個(gè)日期的diff
$datetime1 = new DateTime(); $datetime2 = new DateTime("2018-08-16"); $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2); list($y, $m, $d) = explode("-", $interval->format("%Y-%m-%d")); echo "距世界杯還有{$y}年{$m}個(gè)月{$d}天"; $now=time(); $end=strtotime("2018-8-16 00:00:00"); $d=$end-$now; $y = date("Y", $d) - 1970; $m = date("n", $d) - 1; $d = date("j", $d) - 1; printf("還有%d年%d月%d天", $y, $m, $d);php里簡(jiǎn)單的對(duì)稱(chēng)加密算法
$content = "大家好,我是中國(guó)人,你是誰(shuí)"; /** * 簡(jiǎn)單對(duì)稱(chēng)加密算法之加密 * @param String $string 需要加密的字串 * @param String $skey 加密EKY * @return String */ function encode($string = "", $skey = "wenzi") { $strArr = str_split(base64_encode($string)); $strCount = count($strArr); foreach (str_split($skey) as $key => $value) $key < $strCount && $strArr[$key].=$value; return str_replace(array("=", "+", "/"), array("O0O0O", "o000o", "oo00o"), join("", $strArr)); } /** * 簡(jiǎn)單對(duì)稱(chēng)加密算法之解密 * @param String $string 需要解密的字串 * @param String $skey 解密KEY * @return String */ function decode($string = "", $skey = "wenzi") { $strArr = str_split(str_replace(array("O0O0O", "o000o", "oo00o"), array("=", "+", "/"), $string), 2); $strCount = count($strArr); foreach (str_split($skey) as $key => $value) $key <= $strCount && $strArr[$key][1] === $value && $strArr[$key] = $strArr[$key][0]; return base64_decode(join("", $strArr)); } echo ""; echo "string : " . $content . "laravel eloquent 一對(duì)一關(guān)聯(lián)后根據(jù)副表中的字段來(lái)排序
"; echo "encode : " . ($enstring = encode($content)) . "
"; echo "decode : " . decode($enstring);GoodsData::with("good")->whereHas("good", function($q) use ($brandId) { $q->where("brand_id", $brandId) })->orderBy("click_count", "desc")->paginate(); $goodIds = GoodsData::whereHas("good", function($q) use ($brandId) { $q->where("brand_id", $brandId) })->orderBy("click_count", "desc")->skip(10)->take(15)->pluck("id"); $goods = Good::whereIn("id", $goodIds)->get();數(shù)字運(yùn)算function calc($m,$n,$x){ $errors=array( "被除數(shù)不能為零", "負(fù)數(shù)沒(méi)有平方根" ); switch($x){ case "add": $t=bcadd($m,$n); break; case "sub": $t=bcsub($m,$n); break; case "mul": $t=bcmul($m,$n); break; case "div": if($n!=0){ $t=bcdiv($m,$n); }else{ return $errors[0]; } break; case "pow": $t=bcpow($m,$n); break; case "mod": if($n!=0){ $t=bcmod($m,$n); }else{ return $errors[0]; } break; case "sqrt": if($m>=0){ $t=bcsqrt($m); }else{ return $errors[1]; } break; } $t=preg_replace("/..*0+$/","",$t); return $t; } /*用法舉例*/ echo calc("11111111111111111111111111111111110","10","add");計(jì)算2點(diǎn)經(jīng)緯度之間的距離代碼function getDistanceBetweenPointsNew($latitude1, $longitude1, $latitude2, $longitude2) { $theta = $longitude1 - $longitude2; $miles = (sin(deg2rad($latitude1)) * sin(deg2rad($latitude2))) + (cos(deg2rad($latitude1)) * cos(deg2rad($latitude2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta))); $miles = acos($miles); $miles = rad2deg($miles); $miles = $miles * 60 * 1.1515; $feet = $miles * 5280; $yards = $feet / 3; $kilometers = $miles * 1.609344; $meters = $kilometers * 1000; return compact("miles","feet","yards","kilometers","meters"); } $point1 = array("lat" => 40.770623, "long" => -73.964367); $point2 = array("lat" => 40.758224, "long" => -73.917404); $distance = getDistanceBetweenPointsNew($point1["lat"], $point1["long"], $point2["lat"], $point2["long"]); foreach ($distance as $unit => $value) { echo $unit.": ".number_format($value,4)."計(jì)算抽獎(jiǎng)的概率
"; }function get_rand($proArr) { $result = ""; $proSum = array_sum($proArr); foreach ($proArr as $key => $proCur) { $randNum = mt_rand(1, $proSum); if ($randNum <= $proCur) { $result = $key; break; } else { $proSum -= $proCur; } } unset ($proArr); return $result; } $prize_arr = array( "0" => array("id"=>1,"prize"=>"1000000514","v"=>2), "1" => array("id"=>2,"prize"=>"1000000513","v"=>5), "2" => array("id"=>3,"prize"=>"1000000512","v"=>13), "3" => array("id"=>4,"prize"=>"1000000511","v"=>15), "4" => array("id"=>5,"prize"=>"1000000510","v"=>25), "5" => array("id"=>6,"prize"=>"1000000509","v"=>30), "6" => array("id"=>7,"prize"=>"1000000508","v"=>10), ); foreach ($prize_arr as $key => $val) { $arr[$val["id"]] = $val["v"]; } $rid = get_rand($arr); $res["yes"] = $prize_arr[$rid-1]["prize"]; unset($prize_arr[$rid-1]); shuffle($prize_arr); $prize_arrcount = count($prize_arr); for($i=0;$i<$prize_arrcount;$i++){ $pr[] = $prize_arr[$i]["prize"]; } $res["no"] = $pr; //抽獎(jiǎng)結(jié)果 $ro = $res["yes"]; print_r($ro);一維數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)多維$s =<<< TXT 1 = 光電鼠標(biāo) 2 = 機(jī)械鼠標(biāo) 3 = 沒(méi)有鼠標(biāo) 1.1 = 黑色光電鼠標(biāo) 1.2 = 紅色光電鼠標(biāo) 1.2.1 = 藍(lán)牙紅色光電鼠標(biāo) TXT; $res = array(); foreach(preg_split("/[ ]+/", $s) as $r) { list($k, $txt) = explode(" = ", $r); $p =& $res; foreach(explode(".", $k) as $v) { if(! isset($p[$v])) $p[$v] = array("txt" => $txt, "child" => array()); $p =& $p[$v]["child"]; } } print_r($res);打亂數(shù)組二維數(shù)組/多維數(shù)組function shuffle_assoc($list) { if (!is_array($list)) return $list; $keys = array_keys($list); shuffle($keys); $random = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) $random[$key] = shuffle_assoc($list[$key]); return $random; } function rec_assoc_shuffle($array) { $ary_keys = array_keys($array); $ary_values = array_values($array); shuffle($ary_values); foreach($ary_keys as $key => $value) { if (is_array($ary_values[$key]) AND $ary_values[$key] != NULL) { $ary_values[$key] = rec_assoc_shuffle($ary_values[$key]); } $new[$value] = $ary_values[$key]; } return $new; }curl 上傳文件$curl = curl_init(); if (class_exists("CURLFile")) {// 這里用特性檢測(cè)判斷php版本 curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, true); $data = array("file" => new CURLFile(realpath($source)));//>=5.5 } else { if (defined("CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD")) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD, false); } $data = array("file" => "@" . realpath($source));//<=5.5 } curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1 ); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,"TEST"); $result = curl_exec($curl); $error = curl_error($curl);數(shù)字遞歸組合并排列function recursion($groups, $echo = "") { $current = array_pop($groups); $end = empty($groups); $echo .= $echo ? "," : ""; foreach (str_split($current) as $item) { $rEcho = $echo . $item; if ($end) { echo $rEcho . " "; } else { recursion($groups, $rEcho); } } } recursion(explode(",", "123,45,6789"));php超出字符截取$text = "123456"; $charLength = 10; //字符串長(zhǎng)度 $content = mb_strlen($text, "UTF-8") <= $charLength ? $text : mb_substr($text, 0,$charLength,"UTF-8") . "...";post json// form post json $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 300; $useragent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $json = "{"name":"value"}"; $data["data"] = $json; $data = http_build_query($data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.test.com/json.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $body = curl_exec($ch); echo "";print_r($body); //json.php var_dump($_POST); // 正確的post json $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 300; $useragent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"; $header = array( "Accept-Language: zh-cn", "Connection: Keep-Alive", "Cache-Control: no-cache", "Content-Type: Application/json;charset=utf-8" ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $json = "{"name":"value"}"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.test.com/json.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $body = curl_exec($ch); echo "";print_r($body); //json.php var_dump(file_get_contents("php://input")); #curl命令行 post json #獲取本機(jī)ip地址 $ curl http://httpbin.org/ip {"origin": ""} $ curl -X POST -d "{"name":"value"}" -H "Content-type: application/json" "http://httpbin.org/post" { "args": {}, "data": "{"name":"value"}", "files": {}, "form": {}, "headers": { "Accept": "*/*", "Content-Length": "16", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Host": "httpbin.org", "User-Agent": "curl/7.30.0" }, "json": { "name": "value" }, "origin": "", "url": "http://httpbin.org/post" } #python post json >>> import requests,json >>> headers = {"content-type": "application/json"} >>> payload = {"name": "value"} >>> r = requests.post("http://httpbin.org/post", data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) >>> print(r.json())為 VerifyCsrfToken 添加過(guò)濾條件//修改 app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php 文件 自定義一個(gè)類(lèi)文件讓composer加載//修改composer.json文件: { "require": { "illuminate/container": "^5.2" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "App": "app/" } } } #composer install // app/Test/Test.php文件 namespace AppTest; class Test { public function index() { echo "This is a custom class which will be autoload by composer "; } } //index.php require_once __DIR__."/vendor/autoload.php"; $test = new AppTestTest(); $test->index();利用 macro 方法來(lái)擴(kuò)展 Laravel 的基礎(chǔ)類(lèi)的功能//創(chuàng)建一個(gè)ServiceProvider,并把擴(kuò)充的方法,放入boot()的方法中 namespace AppProviders; use Collection; use IlluminateSupportServiceProvider; class CollectionMacroServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function boot() { Collection::macro("uppercase", function () { //$this不是指向你文件類(lèi)的對(duì)象,而是指向你marco擴(kuò)充的類(lèi)。比如例子中的$this是指向Collection的。 return collect($this->items)->map(function ($item) { return strtoupper($item); }); }); } } //在config/app.php中的providers中下面添加AppProvidersCollectionMacroServiceProvider::class即可從現(xiàn)有數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)表中生成 Model 模型文件composer require ignasbernotas/laravel-model-generator 在 app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php 文件的 register 方法里面,加入如下代碼 public function register() { if ($this->app->environment() == "local") { $this->app->register("IberGeneratorModelGeneratorProvider"); } } php artisan make:models數(shù)組扁平化$arrays = array(0 => Array ( 0 => Array ( "社員" => 2, 0 => "level4" ), 1 => Array ( "社員" => 2, 0 => "level4", 1 => "level4" ) ), 1 => Array ( 0 => Array ( "小組長(zhǎng)" => 2, 0 => "level3" ), 1 => Array ( "小組長(zhǎng)" => 2, 0 => "level3", 1 => "level2", 2 => "level3" ) ) ); dd(collect($arrays)->map(function($array){ return $array[1]; //比如都取最里面數(shù)組的第二個(gè)值 })->flatten(1));Laravel 單點(diǎn)登錄php artisan make:middleware SsoMiddleware 將中間件添加到 Kernel.php protected $routeMiddleware = [ "auth" => AppHttpMiddlewareAuthenticate::class, "auth.basic" => IlluminateAuthMiddlewareAuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class, "guest" => AppHttpMiddlewareRedirectIfAuthenticated::class, "SsoMiddleware" => AppHttpMiddlewareindexSsoMiddleware::class, ]; /** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param IlluminateHttpRequest $request * @param Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $userInfo = Session::get("user_login"); if ($userInfo) { // 獲取 Cookie 中的 token $singletoken = $request->cookie("SINGLETOKEN"); if ($singletoken) { // 從 Redis 獲取 time $redisTime = Redis::get(STRING_SINGLETOKEN_ . $userInfo->guid); // 重新獲取加密參數(shù)加密 $ip = $request->getClientIp(); $secret = md5($ip . $userInfo->guid . $redisTime); if ($singletoken != $secret) { // 記錄此次異常登錄記錄 DB::table("data_login_exception")->insert(["guid" => $userInfo->guid, "ip" => $ip, "addtime" => time()]); // 清除 session 數(shù)據(jù) Session::forget("indexlogin"); return view("/403")->with(["Msg" => "您的帳號(hào)在另一個(gè)地點(diǎn)登錄.."]); } return $next($request); } else { return redirect("/login"); } } else { return redirect("/login"); } } // 有 Sso 中間件的路由組 Route::group(["middleware" => "SsoMiddleware"], function() { # 用戶登錄成功后的路由 }curl ssl$url="https://api.shanbay.com/bdc/search/?word=hello"; $ch=curl_init(); $timeout=5; curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,2); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,$timeout); $data=curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $data;base64_encode進(jìn)行編碼.同時(shí)替換其中的不安全字符//處理為URL安全模式 function reflowURLSafeBase64($str){ $str=str_replace("/","_",$str); $str=str_replace("+","-",$str); return $str; } //反解 function reflowNormalBase64($str){ $str=str_replace("_","/",$str); $str=str_replace("-","+",$str); return $str; }PHP無(wú)限級(jí)分類(lèi)function data_to_tree(&$items, $topid = 0, $with_id = TRUE) { $result = []; foreach($items as $v) if ($topid == $v["parent"]) { $r = $v + ["children" => _data_to_tree($items, $v["id"], $with_id)]; if ($with_id) $result[$v["id"]] = $r; else $result[] = $r; } return $result; } function _data_to_tree($items, $topid = 0, $with_id = TRUE) { if ($with_id) foreach ($items as $item) $items[ $item["parent"] ]["children"][ $item["id"] ] = &$items[ $item["id"] ]; else foreach ($items as $item) $items[ $item["parent"] ]["children"][] = &$items[ $item["id"] ]; return isset($items[ $topid ]["children"]) ? $items[ $topid ][ "children" ] : []; } $data = [ ["id" => 4, "parent" => 1 , "text" => "Parent1"], ["id" => 1, "parent" => 0 , "text" => "Root"], ["id" => 2, "parent" => 1 , "text" => "Parent2"], ["id" => 3, "parent" => 2 , "text" => "Sub1"], ]; print_r ( _data_to_tree($data, 0) ); Array ( [1] => Array ( [id] => 1 [parent] => 0 [text] => Root [children] => Array ( [4] => Array ( [id] => 4 [parent] => 1 [text] => Parent1 [children] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 2 [parent] => 1 [text] => Parent2 [children] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [id] => 3 [parent] => 2 [text] => Sub1 [children] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) )判斷是否為json格式function is_json($string) { json_decode($string); return (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE); //return json_encode($json)!==false } $str = "{"id":23,"name":"test"}"; var_dump(is_json($str));中文英文截取/** * 移除字符串的BOM * * @param string $str 輸入字符串 * @return string 輸出字符串 */ function removeBOM($str) { $str_3 = substr($str, 0, 3); if ($str_3 == pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf)) //utf-8 return substr($str, 3); return $str; } /** * 按UTF-8分隔為數(shù)組,效率比MB_Substr高 * 0xxxxxxx * 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx * 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * * @param string $str 輸入utf-8字符串 * @return array 返回成一段數(shù)組 */ function str_split_utf8($str) { return preg_match_all("/./u", removeBOM($str), $out) ? $out[0] : FALSE; } /** * 按非ascii字符占有幾個(gè)字寬的方式切分字符串,并且不會(huì)將漢字切成半個(gè) * 所謂字寬是指,使用默認(rèn)字體顯示時(shí),非ascii字符相比英文字符所占大小,比如:宋體、微軟雅黑中,漢字占兩個(gè)寬度 * @example $ansi_width = 2 表示漢字等非英文字符按照兩個(gè)字寬長(zhǎng)度 * @example $ansi_width = 1 表示所有字符按一個(gè)字寬長(zhǎng)度 * * @param string $string 原始字符 * @param integer $offset 開(kāi)始偏移,使用方法和substr一樣,可以為負(fù)數(shù) * @param integer $length 長(zhǎng)度,使用方法和substr一樣,可以為負(fù)數(shù) * @param integer $ansi_width 漢字等非英文字符按照幾個(gè)字符來(lái)處理 * @return string 返回裁減的字符串 */ function substr_ansi($string, $offset, $length = 0, $ansi_width = 1) { if (empty($string)) return $string;; $data = str_split_utf8($string); if (empty($data)) return $string; $as = $_as = array(); $_start = $_end = 0; foreach($data as $k => $v) $as[$k] = strlen($v) > 1 ? $ansi_width : 1; $_as_rev = array_reverse($as,true); $_as = $offset < 0 ? $_as_rev : $as; $n = 0; $_offset = abs($offset); foreach($_as as $k => $v) { if ($n >= $_offset) { $_start = $k; break; } $n += $v; } //echo $_start,","; $_as = $length <= 0 ? $_as_rev : $as; end($_as); list($_end) = each($_as); reset($_as);//給$_end 設(shè)定默認(rèn)值,一直到結(jié)尾 $n = 0; $_length = abs($length); foreach($_as as $k => $v) { if ($k >= $_start) { if ($n >= $_length) { $_end = $k + ($length <= 0 ? 1 : 0); break; } $n += $v; } } //echo $_end,"|||||"; if ($_end <= $_start) return ""; $_data = array_slice($data, $_start, $_end - $_start); return implode("",$_data); } /** * 按非ascii字符占有幾個(gè)字寬的方式計(jì)算字符串長(zhǎng)度 * @example $ansi_width = 2 表示漢字等非英文字符按照兩個(gè)字寬長(zhǎng)度 * @example $ansi_width = 1 表示所有字符按一個(gè)字節(jié)長(zhǎng)度 * * @param string $string 原始字符 * @param integer $ansi_width 漢字等非英文字符按照幾個(gè)字寬來(lái)處理 * @return string 返回字符串長(zhǎng)度 */ function strlen_ansi($string, $ansi_width = 1) { if (empty($string)) return 0; $data = str_split_utf8($string); if (empty($data)) return 0; $as = 0; foreach($data as $k => $v) $as += strlen($v) > 1 ? $ansi_width : 1; unset($data); return $as; } /** * smarty truncate 代碼算法來(lái)自于Smarty * @param string * @param integer * @param string * @param boolean * @param boolean * @return string */ function truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = "...", $break_words = false, $middle = false) { if ($length == 0) return ""; $ansi_as = 2; if (strlen_ansi($string, $ansi_as) > $length) { $length -= min($length, strlen_ansi($etc, $ansi_as)); if (!$break_words && !$middle) { $string = preg_replace("/s+?(S+)?$/u", "", substr_ansi($string, 0, $length+1, $ansi_as)); } if(!$middle) { return substr_ansi($string, 0, $length, $ansi_as) . $etc; } else { return substr_ansi($string, 0, $length/2, $ansi_as) . $etc . substr_ansi($string, -$length/2, 0, $ansi_as); } } else { return $string; } } // substr_ansi ($offset, $length, $ansi_width) // 如果ansi_width = 2,則表示將漢字當(dāng)做2個(gè)寬度處理 // offset length 在實(shí)際截取過(guò)程中,以英文的長(zhǎng)度為準(zhǔn)即可 echo substr_ansi("漢字我愛(ài)你", 0, 5, 2); //輸出:漢字我 echo substr_ansi("漢字abc我愛(ài)你", 0, 5, 2); //輸出:漢字a echo substr_ansi("abcdef", 0, 5, 2); //輸出:abcde echo mb_substr("漢字我愛(ài)你", 0, 5); //輸出:漢字我愛(ài)你 echo mb_substr("漢字abc我愛(ài)你", 0, 5); //輸出:漢字abc echo mb_substr("abcdef", 0, 5); //輸出:abcde命令行獲取ip地址curl http://ip.3322.net/ curl -4 -s icanhazip.com curl myip.ipip.net curl ip.cn curl httpbin.org/ip curl https://www.v2ex.com/ip | grep "ip=" curl ifconfig.io curl ifconfig.me curl http://ip.taobao.com/service/getIpInfo2.php?ip=myip顏值計(jì)算類(lèi)/** * 排名算法 */ class Rank { private static $K = 32; private static $db; //數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)連接對(duì)象 function __construct() { require_once "DBMysql.php"; self::$db = DBMysql::connect(); } //根據(jù)id值查詢顏值 public function queryScore($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM stu WHERE `id` = $id"; $info = mysqli_fetch_assoc(self::$db->query($sql)); return $info["score"]; } //更新顏值 public function updateScore($Ra,$id) { self::$db->query("UPDATE `stu` SET `score` = $Ra WHERE `id` = $id"); } //計(jì)算二者的勝率期望值 public function expect($Ra,$Rb) { $Ea = 1/(1+pow(10,($Rb-$Rb)/400)); return $Ea; } //計(jì)算最后得分 public function calculateScore($Ra,$Ea,$num) { $Ra = $Ra + self::$K*($num-$Ea); return $Ra; } //獲取本次參與評(píng)選的兩位美女id,以及獲勝方id:0,1 public function selectStu() { $id1 = $_POST["stu1"]; $id2 = $_POST["stu2"]; $victoryid = $_POST["vid"]; return $this->getScore($id1,$id2,$victoryid); } //計(jì)算得分 public function getScore($id1,$id2,$victoryid) { $Ra = $this->queryScore($id1); $Rb = $this->queryScore($id2); if ($Ra & $Rb) { $Ea = $this->expect($Ra, $Rb); $Eb = $this->expect($Rb, $Ra); $Ra = $this->calculateScore($Ra, $Ea, 1-$victoryid); $Rb = $this->calculateScore($Rb, $Eb, $victoryid); $Rab = array($Ra,$Rb); $this->updateScore($Ra, $id1); $this->updateScore($Rb, $id2); return $Rab; } else { return false; } } } $Rank = new Rank(); $Rank->selectStu();第二個(gè)數(shù)組按第一個(gè)數(shù)組的鍵值排序$a = [ "id", "name", "identityId", "phone", "email", "schoolId" ]; $b = [ "id" => "唯一標(biāo)識(shí)", "identityId" => "身份證", "phone" => "手機(jī)號(hào)", "email" => "郵箱", "name" => "姓名", "schoolId" => "學(xué)校" ]; var_dump(array_merge(array_flip($a), $b)); $arr1 = array( "id", "name", "identityId", "phone", "email", "schoolId" ); $arr2 = array( "id" => "唯一標(biāo)識(shí)", "identityId" => "身份證", "phone" => "手機(jī)號(hào)", "email" => "郵箱", "name" => "姓名", "schoolId" => "學(xué)校", ); array_multisort($arr1,SORT_DESC,$arr2); print_r($arr2); // 結(jié)果為: Array ( [schoolId] => 學(xué)校 [email] => 郵箱 [identityId] => 身份證 [phone] => 手機(jī)號(hào) [id] => 唯一標(biāo)識(shí) [name] => 姓名 ) $c = array(); foreach ($a as $value) $c[$value] = $b[$value]; print_r($c);正則[] 的意思匹配指定字符,而不是字符串 (string1|string2) 才是匹配多個(gè)字符串 (?! string1) 匹配 非 字符串 $text = "
摘要:為了一探究竟,于是開(kāi)啟了這次應(yīng)用性能調(diào)優(yōu)之旅。使用即時(shí)編譯器和都能輕輕松松的讓你的應(yīng)用程序在不用做任何修改的情況下,直接提高或者更高的性能。 這是一份事后的總結(jié)。在經(jīng)歷了調(diào)優(yōu)過(guò)程踩的很多坑之后,我們最終完善并實(shí)施了初步的性能測(cè)試方案,通過(guò)真實(shí)的測(cè)試數(shù)據(jù)歸納出了 Laravel 開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)程中的一些實(shí)踐技巧。 0x00 源起 最近有同事反饋 Laravel 寫(xiě)的應(yīng)用程序響應(yīng)有點(diǎn)慢、20幾個(gè)并...
摘要:優(yōu)點(diǎn)使用簡(jiǎn)單服務(wù)自定義數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)查詢生成多重定制哪里獲取表單構(gòu)造器說(shuō)實(shí)話,我不喜歡在中混合表單。表單構(gòu)造器能夠讓你的表單從視圖中分離出去。功能多數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)多域名和子域名自動(dòng)生成或者配置文件支持隊(duì)列支持文件分開(kāi)存儲(chǔ)。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000015090896); 這里有 10+ 個(gè)用來(lái)搭建 Laravel 應(yīng)用的包 ...
摘要:通過(guò)添加此功能,該程序包將啟用記錄請(qǐng)求和響應(yīng)信息所需的功能。是一條普通控制器路由,用于輸出控制臺(tái)的視圖。收集瀏覽器行為這是整個(gè)擴(kuò)展包最乏味的部分。 Laravel Dusk 控制臺(tái)是一款 Laravel 擴(kuò)展包,能夠?yàn)槟愕?Dusk 測(cè)試套件提供漂亮的可視面板。通過(guò)它,你可以可視化運(yùn)行 Dusk 測(cè)試時(shí)涉及的各個(gè)步驟,以及查看每個(gè)步驟的 DOM 快照。這對(duì)于調(diào)試瀏覽器測(cè)試、并搞清楚后臺(tái)...
摘要:自動(dòng)代碼擴(kuò)展開(kāi)發(fā)時(shí)遵守的代碼風(fēng)格是項(xiàng)目開(kāi)發(fā)規(guī)范。遵照此規(guī)范,在實(shí)際操作中,有許多重復(fù),接下來(lái)推薦一款專(zhuān)為此規(guī)范量身定制的代碼生成器??梢岳么藬U(kuò)展來(lái)快速構(gòu)建項(xiàng)目原型。后續(xù)還會(huì)為大家?guī)?lái)一些最新的技術(shù)擴(kuò)展。 whoops 錯(cuò)誤提示擴(kuò)展 whoops 是一個(gè)非常優(yōu)秀的 PHP Debug 擴(kuò)展,它能夠使你在開(kāi)發(fā)中快速定位出錯(cuò)的位置。laravel默認(rèn)安裝。showImg(https://s...
摘要:自動(dòng)代碼擴(kuò)展開(kāi)發(fā)時(shí)遵守的代碼風(fēng)格是項(xiàng)目開(kāi)發(fā)規(guī)范。遵照此規(guī)范,在實(shí)際操作中,有許多重復(fù),接下來(lái)推薦一款專(zhuān)為此規(guī)范量身定制的代碼生成器??梢岳么藬U(kuò)展來(lái)快速構(gòu)建項(xiàng)目原型。后續(xù)還會(huì)為大家?guī)?lái)一些最新的技術(shù)擴(kuò)展。 whoops 錯(cuò)誤提示擴(kuò)展 whoops 是一個(gè)非常優(yōu)秀的 PHP Debug 擴(kuò)展,它能夠使你在開(kāi)發(fā)中快速定位出錯(cuò)的位置。laravel默認(rèn)安裝。showImg(https://s...
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