

在linux Ubuntu創(chuàng)建npm私有庫

dongfangyiyu / 1126人閱讀


Our server environment is linux Ubuntu, this article is mainly about how to build our NPM private library in linux Ubuntu environment.

Install Nodejs

We need to use the npm command to install verdaccio, so first we have to have a node environment.

Step1– Add Node.js PPA
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
Step 2 – Install Node.js on Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
Step 3 – Check Node.js and NPM Version

After installing node.js verify and check the installed version.

$ node -v


Also, check the npm version

$ npm -v
Install verdaccio
$ sudo npm install -g verdaccio --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

Add the --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root option to prevent gyp ERR! permission denied permission error like below:

If we install successfull, we can see the result

/usr/bin/verdaccio -> /usr/lib/node_modules/verdaccio/bin/verdaccio
+ [email protected]
Start verdaccio
$ verdaccio

The results are as follows:

 warn --- config file  - /home/npm/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
 warn --- Plugin successfully loaded: htpasswd
 warn --- Plugin successfully loaded: audit
 warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/3.11.7

From the output of the console, we can see that verdaccio"s configuration file path is in /home/npm/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml and the default access address is http://localhost:4873/

Modify the config

access to the config.yaml file

$ cd /home/npm/.config/verdaccio/
$ ls
config.yaml  htpasswd  storage
$ vim config.yaml

Add the code at the end of the configuration file config.yaml:

# you can specify listen address (or simply a port)

View detailed verdaccio profile documentation

Start verdaccio with command verdaccio
$ verdaccio
Access to a built private repository

Open http://[ip address]:8080 in the browser, if it can be accessed normally, it means that the construction is successful.
Our ip address is,open,we can see the interface like below:

notice: Add a security group to the cloud server and open the 8080 port number.
If the port security group is not added, you cannot access the in the browser.

Start verdaccio with pm2 to ensure that the process is always open

we can also start verdaccio with pm2 to ensure that the process is always open.And we can get more detail.

Install pm2
$ npm install -g pm2 --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
Start verdaccio with pm2
$ pm2 start verdaccio
stop verdaccio with pm2
$ pm2 stop verdaccio
Let verdaccio run in the background

If you connect to the linux server via putty SSH, when the terminal becomes inactive and the process dies. So we need to run the verdaccio in the background.

run verdaccio in background
$ screen
$ verdaccio

stop the process in background

$ screen ls
There are screens on:
        16129.pts-0.VM-NPM      (05/15/19 09:31:04)     (Detached)
        15809.pts-2.VM-NPM      (05/15/19 09:28:43)     (Detached)

$ screen -r 16129.pts-0.VM-NPM

npm@VM-NPM:/var/www/app$ node server.js
Server started on localhost:8080; press Ctrl-C to terminate...!
Client publishes npm to private repository

After using verdaccio to build a private repository on the server, the next step is how to upload the npm package to the private repository server locally.

you need to register or login your account. If we don"t have an account yet, we can create it by entering the command npm adduser --registry and then entering the username in turn. If you already have an account, you can log in by entering the command npm login --registry and then entering the username and password. Then enter the code directory we need to upload, execute the command to publish.

You must first register an account before publishing the npm package.

npm adduser --registry
Username: jane
Email: (this IS public) [email protected]
Logged in as jane on

The output Logged in as jane on, indicating that the npm account jane successfully logged into the private repository.

Just got a project name called "example", there is nothing in it, npm init creates a new package.json.

npm init
npm publish --registry
Npm successfully released to private repository

Refresh the page in the browser, as shown in the figure:

How to use the private repository npm package Step1- change the npm registry address
npm set registry
Step2- Install package
npm install @sfc/example




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