煙花:發(fā)射點(x, y),爆炸點(xEnd, yEnd),升空后等待炸裂時間(wait),炸裂后微粒個數(shù)(count),煙花半徑(radius)
煙花炸裂后微粒:自身位置(x, y),自身大?。╯ize),自身速度(rate),最大煙花半徑(radius)。
設定全局變量const config = { width: 360, height: 600, canvases: ["bg", "firework"], skyColor: "210, 60%, 5%, 0.2)", fireworkTime:{min:30,max:60}, //煙花參數(shù)本身有默認值 傳入undefined則使用默認參數(shù) fireworkOpt:{ x: undefined, y: undefined, xEnd: undefined, yEnd: undefined, count: 300, //炸裂后粒子數(shù) wait: undefined, //消失后 => 炸裂 等待時間 } }構建微粒類
class Particle{ //默認值寫法 constructor({x, y, size = 1, radius = 1.2} = {}){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.size = size; this.rate = Math.random(); //每個微粒移動的速度都是隨機不同的 this.angle = Math.PI * 2 * Math.random(); //每個微粒的偏移角度 //每次微粒移動速度分解為橫縱坐標的移動。 this.vx = radius * Math.cos(this.angle) * this.rate; this.vy = radius * Math.sin(this.angle) * this.rate; } go(){ this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; this.vy += 0.02; //重力影響 y越大實際越偏下 //空氣阻力 this.vx *= 0.98; this.vy *= 0.98; } //畫出微粒的位置 render(ctx){ this.go(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.fill(); } }構建煙花類
class Firework{ constructor({x, y = config.height, xEnd, yEnd, count = 300, wait} = {}){ //煙花自身屬性 this.x = x || config.width / 8 + Math.random() * config.width * 3 / 4; this.y = y; this.xEnd = xEnd || this.x; this.yEnd = yEnd || config.width / 8 + Math.random() * config.width * 3 / 8; this.size = 2; this.velocity = -3; this.opacity = 0.8; this.color = `hsla(${360 * Math.random() | 0},80%,60%,1)`; this.wait = wait || 30 + Math.random() * 30; //微粒個數(shù)等 this.count = count; this.particles = []; this.createParticles(); this.status = 1; } //創(chuàng)建微粒 createParticles(){ for(let i = 0;i < this.count; ++i){ this.particles.push(new Particle({x:this.xEnd, y:this.yEnd})); } } //升空 rise(){ this.y += this.velocity * 1; this.velocity += 0.005; //升空時產生的阻力 //煙花升空到目標位置開始漸隱 if(this.y - this.yEnd <= 50){ this.opacity = (this.y - this.yEnd) / 50; } //如果到了目標位置 就開始第二個狀態(tài) if(this.y <= this.yEnd){ this.status = 2; } } //渲染煙花 煙花所有動作完成之后返回false render(ctx){ switch(this.status){ case 1: //升空 ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; ctx.globalAlpha = this.opacity; ctx.translate(this.x, this.y); ctx.scale(0.8, 2.3); ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y); ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ctx.arc(this.x + Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 * Math.random()) / 1.2, this.y, this.size, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); this.rise(); return true; break; case 2: //煙花消失階段,等待炸裂 if(--this.wait <= 0){ this.opacity = 1; this.status = 3; } return true; break; case 3: //炸裂之后 渲染煙花微粒 ctx.save(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; ctx.globalAlpha = this.opacity; ctx.fillStyle = this.color; for(let i = 0;i < this.particles.length;++i){ this.particles[i].render(ctx); } ctx.restore(); this.opacity -= 0.01; return this.opacity > 0; break; default: return false; } } }放煙花
const canvas = { init: function(){ //一些屬性的設定 可以不用管 this.setProperty(); this.renderBg(); //循環(huán)體 **主要 this.loop(); }, setProperty: function(){ this.fireworks = []; this.width = config.width; this.height = config.height; this.fireworkTime = (config.fireworkTime.min + (config.fireworkTime.max - config.fireworkTime.min) * Math.random()) | 0; this.bgCtx = document.querySelector("#bg").getContext("2d"); this.fireworkCtx = document.querySelector("#firework").getContext("2d"); }, renderBg(){ this.bgCtx.fillStyle = "hsla(210, 60%, 5%, 0.9)" this.bgCtx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); }, loop(){ requestAnimationFrame(this.loop.bind(this)); this.fireworkCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); //隨機創(chuàng)建煙花 if(--this.fireworkTime <= 0){ this.fireworks.push(new Firework(config.fireworkOpt)); //每次到點之后重新設置煙花產生時間 (|0轉化為整數(shù)) this.fireworkTime = (config.fireworkTime.min + (config.fireworkTime.max - config.fireworkTime.min) * Math.random()) | 0; } for(let i = this.fireworks.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ //渲染煙花 (若返回值為false則移除煙花) !this.fireworks[i].render(this.fireworkCtx) && this.fireworks.splice(i,1); } } } canvas.init();完善
//canvas.loop方法 // this.fireworkCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.fireworkCtx.fillStyle = config.skyColor; this.fireworkCtx.fillRect(0,0,this.width,this.height);
但是,還是缺少了在爆炸瞬間 天空變亮的場景。
// *****Firework constructor // this.color = `hsla(${360 * Math.random() | 0},80%,60%,1)`; this.hue = 360 * Math.random() | 0; this.color = `hsla(${this.hue},80%,60%,1)`;
// *****Firework 新增實例方法 getSkyColor(){ const skyColor = { //只有炸裂階段才返回亮度 lightness: this.status == 3 ? this.opacity : 0 , hue: this.hue }; return skyColor; }
// *****config 修改config的skyColor // skyColor: "hsla(210, 60%, 5%, 0.2)", skyColor: "hsla({hue}, 60%, {lightness}%, 0.2)",
// canvas.loop方法 //this.fireworkCtx.fillStyle = config.skyColor; //每次替換色調與亮度值。 this.fireworkCtx.fillStyle = config.skyColor.replace("{lightness}", 5 + this.skyColor.lightness * 15).replace("{hue}" , this.skyColor.hue); this.skyColor = { //新增 lightness: 0, hue: 210 }; for(let i = this.fireworks.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ //新增 天空顏色為最亮的煙花的顏色 this.skyColor = this.skyColor.lightness >= this.fireworks[i].getSkyColor().lightness ? this.skyColor : this.fireworks[i].getSkyColor(); !this.fireworks[i].render(this.fireworkCtx) && this.fireworks.splice(i,1); }
主要參考 --- fireworks seen in the countryside
fireworks seen in the countryside
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