wordwrap (PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5, PHP 7) wordwrap — Wraps a string to a given number of characters wordwrap — 打斷字符串為指定數(shù)量的字串 Description string wordwrap ( string $str [, int $width = 75 [, ...
...te after Eigh Two Sisters Reunite after E... Two Sisters Re..ckout Counter wordwrap 限制一行字符的長度(自動換行),效果與PHP函數(shù)wordwrap()一樣。 參數(shù)1:限定一行的長度(Integer,默認:80)參數(shù)2:換行符號,可自定義換行字符(String,默認:n)參...
...定程度上實現(xiàn)了樣式復(fù)用。 來看下具體的例子: import { wordWrap } from polished; const style = { ...wordWrap(break-word) } // 等效于 const style = { overflowWrap: break-word, wordWrap: break-word, wordBreak: brea...
...Guides: false, editor.fontFamily: Courier Prime Sans, editor.wordWrap: on, editor.lineHeight: 36, explorer.confirmDragAndDrop: false, workbench.startupEditor: newUntitledFile, ...
...l; $config[email_config][charset] = utf-8; $config[email_config][wordwrap] = TRUE; $config[email_config][mailtype] = html; $config[email_config][crlf] = ; $config[email_config][newline] = ;//必須...
...es = { width, display: inline-block, overflow: hidden, wordWrap: nowrap, textOverflow: ellipsis, }; useEffect( () => { if (textRef) { const { current } = ...
...le;; //當郵件不支持html時備用顯示,可以省略 $mail->WordWrap = 80; // 設(shè)置每行字符串的長度 if($is_attachment){ $mail->AddAttachment($attachment_add); //可以添加附件 } $mail->IsHTML(true...
...動換行可以參考 Eclipse Word Wrap https://github.com/ahtik/eclipse-wordwrap/wiki Use http://ahtik.com/eclipse-update/ update site to install the latest version. Go to http://ahtik.com/blog/projects/eclipse...
...tible email viewer!; // optional, comment out and test $mail->WordWrap = 80; // set word wrap $mail->AddAttachment($options[AddAttachment]); //可以添加附件 $mail->Msg...
... var e = -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ; return e += this.wordwrap(this.getPrivateBaseKeyB64()) + , e += -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- }, fn.prototype.getPublicKey = function ()...
...; $mail->AddReplyTo( c(mail_from) ); $mail->Subject = $subject ; $mail->WordWrap = 50; $mail->MsgHTML($body); $mail->AddAddress( $to ); if(!$mail->Send()) { $GLOBALS[LP_MAILER_ERROR] = $mail-...
...L 注釋和 PHP 標簽是硬編碼,不能通過$allowable_tags修改的) wordwrap () //使用字符串打斷字符串為指定數(shù)量的字串 strrev (string $string) //反轉(zhuǎn)字符串 獲取字符串長度 strlen(string $str) 字符串輸出 echo() print() die()/exit() printf() sprintf() 字符...
... editor.fontLigatures: true, prettier.tabWidth: 4, editor.wordWrap: on, editor.detectIndentation: true, workbench.iconTheme: eq-material-theme-icons-palenight, editor.minima...
... editor.fontSize: 14, editor.cursorBlinking: smooth, editor.wordWrap: on, editor.formatOnSave: true, editor.formatOnPaste: true, // 控制選取范圍是否有圓角 editor.roundedSelection: false, // 建議...