...recommended], // 使用eslint推薦的規(guī)則作為基礎(chǔ)配置,可以在rules中覆蓋 plugins: [html, vue, prettier, import], // vue是eslint-plugin-vue的簡寫,此插件的作用是可以讓eslint識別.vue中的script代碼 rules: { // 0或者off表示規(guī)則關(guān)閉,出錯...
...ct.getOwnPropertyDescriptors:https://developer.mozilla.org... 規(guī)則 var rules = { common: test } 如果屬性是不可配置的,則不能修改它的可配置性和可枚舉性。 Object.defineProperty(rules, rule1, { configurable: false, enu...
...**SMACSS[]提出的css理論。其主要原則有3條: Categorizing CSS Rules(為css分類) Naming Rules(命名規(guī)則) Minimizing the Depth of Applicability(最小化適配深度) 這些原則分別是什么意思呢? Categorizing CSS Rules 這一點是SMACSS的核心。SMACSS認...
...例:實現(xiàn)一個插件 要求創(chuàng)建一個告訴Vue組件處理自定義rules規(guī)則選項的插件,這個rules需要一個對象,該對象指定組件中的數(shù)據(jù)的驗證規(guī)則。 示例: const vm = new Vue({ data: { foo: 10 }, rules: { foo: { validate: value => value > 1, ...
..._NAME elastalert ENV ELASTALERT_HOME /opt/${ELASTALERT_DIRECTORY_NAME} ENV RULES_DIRECTORY /opt/${ELASTALERT_DIRECTORY_NAME}/rules WORKDIR /opt RUN apt-get update && apt-get install tar cur...
...; var next, // ...; while (src) { // newline if (cap = this.rules.newline.exec(src)) { src = src.substring(cap[0].length); if (cap[0].length > 1) { this.tokens.pu...
...夾均可 @lg:1200px; @md:992px; @sm:768px; @xs:480px; .max(@screenWidth,@rules){ @media screen and (max-width:@screenWidth){ @rules(); } } .min(@screenWidth,@rules){ @media screen and (min-wi...
...配置文件 創(chuàng)建配置文件有3種方式:(1).stylelintrc { rules: { declaration-block-trailing-semicolon: null } } (2) stylelint.config.js module.exports = { rules: { declaration-block-trailing...
...需要添加其他的代碼 @Pointcut(execution(* org.landy.business.rules..*(..)) && @annotation(org.landy.business.rules.annotation.StatusCheck)) public void declareJoinPointExpression() {} /** *...
...le rule) .option(--plugin , inspect a specific plugin) .option(--rules, list all module rule names) .option(--plugins, list all plugin names) .option(-v --verbose, Show full function defini...
...tion options. ElastAlert may be run without changing any of these settings.rules_folder is where ElastAlert will load rule configuration files from. It will attempt to load every .yaml file in the ...