... 1 ? orderNum - 1 : orderNum; } } })(); orderModule.getNum(); Revealing Module(揭示模塊)模式 概念 揭示模塊模式是在模塊模式的基礎上進行改進,在私有范圍內簡單定義所有的函數(shù)和變量,并返回一個匿名對象,它擁有指向私有函數(shù)...
...本。方便集中管理公有API,使公有API更簡潔清楚。 var myRevealingModule = function () { var privateVar = Ben Cherry, publicVar = Hey there; function privateFunction() { console.log(Name: + pri...
...》 JS設計模式系列文章 JS設計模式之Module(模塊)模式、Revealing Module(揭示模塊)模式JS設計模式之Singleton(單例)模式JS設計模式之Facade(外觀)模式
...ces) among all the unrevealed squares (M or E), return the board after revealing this position according to the following rules: If a mine (M) is revealed, then the game is over - change it to X.If...
...ts to make point-free functions. Break complex conditionals with intention revealing .variables. Inline IIFE for complex initialization. Use hoisting/composed-method to focus on important code. 1....
...式之Facade(外觀)模式JS設計模式之Module(模塊)模式、Revealing Module(揭示模塊)模式JS設計模式之Mixin(混入)模式
...方法。具體可參考這位童鞋的文章:Javascript 設計模式 -- Revealing Module(揭示模塊)模式 var caculator = (function(m){ var action = add; function compute(a,b(){ switch (action){ ...
...過我還是建議你可以先了解一些: Decorator Factory Singleton Revealing module Facade Observer 理解這些設計模式不僅會讓你變成一個更好地設計師,也能有助于你更好地理解這些框架。 AngularJS AngularJS 是一個 JavaScript MVC框架,不過有時候...
...ighweight progress bars. No jQuery. PageLoadingEffects - Modern ways of revealing new content using SVG animations. SpinKit - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS. Ladda - Butt...