...nodejs . Tag & Push docker image to the private registry docker tag nodejs qio01:5000/nodejs:1.0.1 docker push qio01:5000/nodejs:1.0.1 Deploy in Kubenetes Goto default Stack. Add a service, fill i...
...nodejs . Tag & Push docker image to the private registry docker tag nodejs qio01:5000/nodejs:1.0.1 docker push qio01:5000/nodejs:1.0.1 Deploy in Kubenetes Goto default Stack. Add a service, fill i...
...docker pull mysql/mysql-server:5.7.21 docker tag mysql/mysql-server:5.7.21 qio01:5000/mysql-server:latest docker push Exec helm init to initialize Helm Chart. Edit Chart.yaml. This is optional, ...
...docker pull mysql/mysql-server:5.7.21 docker tag mysql/mysql-server:5.7.21 qio01:5000/mysql-server:latest docker push Exec helm init to initialize Helm Chart. Edit Chart.yaml. This is optional, ...