






  • Promise.all并發(fā)限制

    ...olLimit, array, iteratorFn) { let i = 0; const ret = []; const executing = []; const enqueue = function () { // 邊界處理,array為空數(shù)組 if (i === array.length) { ...

    sutaking 評論0 收藏0
  • 【譯】理解Node事件驅動架構

    ...thLog extends EventEmitter { execute(taskFunc) { console.log(Before executing); this.emit(begin); taskFunc(); this.emit(end); console.log(After executing); } } const withLo...

    mrcode 評論0 收藏0
  • [譯]理解 Node.js 事件驅動機制

    ...thLog extends EventEmitter { execute(taskFunc) { console.log(Before executing); this.emit(begin); taskFunc(); this.emit(end); console.log(After executing); } } const withLo...

    Snailclimb 評論0 收藏0
  • Python:staticmethod 和 classmethod的比較

    class A(object): def foo(self, x): print executing foo(%s, %s) % (self, x) @classmethod def class_foo(cls, x): print executing class_foo(%s, %s) % (cls, x) @staticmet...

    frank_fun 評論0 收藏0
  • Python的 函數(shù)、類方法、實例方法、靜態(tài)方法

    ...態(tài)。 上代碼: def foo(x): # 一般方法 print executing foo(%s)%(x) class A(object): def foo(self,x): # 實例方法 print executing foo(%s,%s)%(self,x) @c...

    DDreach 評論0 收藏0
  • Python 3 學習筆記之——錯誤和異常

    ...) else: print(result is, result) finally: print(executing finally clause) divide(2, 1) result is 2.0 executing finally clause divide(2, 0) division by zero! executing f...

    techstay 評論0 收藏0
  • 錯誤消息 This computer doesn't have VT-X/AMD-v en

    ....972489 3093 start.go:174] Error starting host: Error creating host: Error executing step: Running precreate checks. : This computer doesnt have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is manda...

    blair 評論0 收藏0
  • Kubernetes 中使用插件 sniff 進行網絡抓包

    ...atic-tcpdump to /tmp/static-tcpdump on container: echo-go INFO[0000] executing command: [/bin/sh -c ls -alt /tmp/static-tcpdump] on container: echo-go, pod: echo-go-bdf4bd7ff-v6hml, namespace: dev...

    Baoyuan 評論0 收藏0
  • seajs 源碼解讀

    ... are ready to execute LOADED: 4, // 5 - The module is being executed EXECUTING: 5, // 6 - The `module.exports` is available EXECUTED: 6 } 也就是: * FETCHING 開始加載當前模塊 * SAVED 當前模塊加載完成并保存模塊數(shù)...

    LiangJ 評論0 收藏0
  • Kafka源碼閱讀日記——ProducerInterceptor

    ...re if (record != null) log.warn(Error executing interceptor onSend callback for topic: {}, partition: {}, record.topic(), record.partition(), e); ...

    Genng 評論0 收藏0
  • 立即執(zhí)行函數(shù)表達式(IIFE)

    ...當前變量污染的情況下被使用。 「自執(zhí)行匿名函數(shù)(Self-executing anonymous function)」有什么問題呢? 你看到它已經被提到好幾次了,但它仍未被清楚地解釋,我提議將術語改成Immediately-Invoked Function Expression,或者,IIFE,如果你喜...

    Yu_Huang 評論0 收藏0


